It's Not a Date (Nishiki)

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Requested by wang_kong

"Buying uni supplies in the town centre. 2:30- outside Anteiku. Come if you want."

You fumbled with your shoes, the laces entangling within each other and wrapping around your fingers. Your panic only made things worse, causing you take even longer than usual. The ticking of the clock hammered into your head as it drew closer to 2:30.

"Damn Nishiki saying 'come if you want' of course I'm going to come you stupid piece of..." Trailing off, you had finally finished getting ready and prepared to leave the house. "Right- keys, money, phone."

Before leaving, you caught yourself in the mirror, and straightened out your shirt, psyching yourself up. For some reason, a deep pit hung in your stomach.

"Come on, Y/N, get a grip... You've been out with Nishiki so many times, why do you panic each time? You're not the type to panic! Right, lets go!"


Walking through the paved streets, you noticed the abnormal abundance of couples. There was no special event or day today, yet the amount of hand-holding, hugging and blushing passing by you was higher than usual. You tried to brush it off- you never took a particular notice to your surroundings before, so this could be a regular occurrence you were simply unaware of. Yet it irritated you. Rolling your eyes, you spotted the chalkboard sign with brightly coloured lettering on the front. A few metres away, Nishiki stood, his eyes fixated on the phone in front of him. He wore a long, black coat, with an shirt underneath with an oddly shaped pattern. You paused for a split second, your eyes wide. You hadn't noticed he was frowning at you.

"Oi! What're you gawking at?!" He shouted, waving his phone at you. You blinked hesitantly, shaking your head as you did so.

"Sorry, sorry. Hey."

"7 minutes late, that's unlike you." He teased, shaking his head sarcastically. You pushed his arm, urging him to go. "Alright, alright. Did you bring money?"

"Yeah." You smiled brightly, wider than usual to annoy him.

"Urgh, what? You'll get wrinkles if you do that long enough."

"Can't I smile?"

"Not when it hurts my eyes like that." He didn't bother to wait for you to reply, and began to walk in the opposite direction. You scrunched your face up, but followed swiftly.


The crowds had not died down since leaving, yet thankfully the town centre wasn't far away. Whenever a couple was in your sight, you involuntarily looked up at Nishiki, yet your eyes only met twice. You worried whether you were looking up at him too much, whether you were too close to him, whether your arm brushed against his too many times. The thoughts crawled through your mind uninvited, filling you with doubt over even the tiniest of things.

You shook your head, taking a deep breath. Focusing your mind on the destination you were heading. Trying to ignore the pointless questions.

Continuing to walk, the deafening silence between the two of you drowned out any of the noise surrounding your ears. Was it an awkward silence, or a comfortable one? You hadn't figured it out yet. You looked up more subtly this time, inching your head only a few degrees in his direction. He was mid-yawn, before blinking slowly, as if he had just woken-

"Oi!" His attention and attitude abruptly shifted to you, and his arm gripped around your outer one. He pulled you closer, harshly. Looking around confused you saw a man walking past you, an angered grimace in your direction. A baby bounced on his chest, strapped to a carrier. "Watch where you're going, dumbass." Nishiki scolded.

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