An Unexpected Appearance (Ayato)

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(A/N: ~~=return to present. Also, swearing warning!)

"No Ayato!" You screamed, throwing your glass onto the cold kitchen floor. It shattered into hundreds of sharp, small pieces. You swore you felt your heart break at the same time.

"I'm going." He coldly shouted in response. His eyes were filled with anger."You may not fucking agree but I'm going. Tatara said I have unique abilities and powers!"

"I don't care what 'Tatara' says! We've lived here together for so long! Does that mean shit to you?!" Your voice cracked at the last sentence. Your throat was dry and your eyes were beginning to fill with tears. You regretted throwing your drink on the floor.

"Of course it means something to me you dumbass! But Aogiri needs me."

"So do I!" You screamed again. Tears were now streaming down your face. Your cheeks were red with anger and fear. Your heart was beating faster than it ever has before. You couldn't lose Ayato. His face turned to a sudden shock, as if hearing that you needed him was surprising.

"I'm going." He repeated, the same cold expression returning to his face and voice. You were looking at him the whole time, each moment he became blurrier and blurrier. Not once did he look at you.

Quieter than last time, you shouted.

"A ghoul and human relationship is hard enough, I can't lose you as well!" Were your eyes ever going to run out of tears? Ayato finally looked up to you. His face showed no sign of emotion. He pulled his sleeve up to reveal the bracelet you gave to him when you first started dating. It had both of your first initials on it, surrounded by wooden beads.Slowly, he took it off his wrist and threw it to the ground. It landed next to your feet. You shakily stood there, the bracelet at your feet, it being covered by hundreds of droplets of your tears.

"Then maybe we shouldn't have met then." He turned around, and headed straight for the door. You wanted to run after him and try to stop him, but all of your energy was drained from you. Even if you had all of your strength, it was no match for his. You stared at the bracelet as you heard the door slam shut. You fell to the ground, trying to avoid as many shards of glass as possible. Luckily, you landed on none of them. You picked up the bracelet and closed your hand around it. Screaming, you slammed your fists into the cold tiles and cried. You cried for what seemed like hours before you got up and walked into the living room. You looked at your phone and scrolled through the contacts. Ayato's was highlighted. You didn't bother calling him. His phone was on the doormat.


Sitting on your large bed, you found it difficult to find a comfortable position. Your laptop was placed in front of you, and you were in the middle of watching a film you planned on watching months ago. You planned on watching it- with Ayato, but things changed. You rarely left the house now, you never socialised with any body at school so you had only acquaintances. You sipped at your tea as you sat criss-crossed on the duvet. The bright glow of the screen was your only source of light in the dark room, you could just see the time on the clock on your desk. It was 4:47am. You weren't the tiniest bit tired and you stayed up late on most nights anyway. Besides, it was the school holidays. Although you expected to never see the boy you still loved again, you didn't get rid of any of his things in your room. The white rabbit plush, the picture of you two, his bracelet and his phone all sat on top of a drawer. That night, he took nothing of his with him, other than the clothes he was wearing. There was more of his stuff scattered around the apartment, but the top of the drawer held the most sentimental of his items. Looking back at the screen, you continued to watch the film.

A large bang was heard from outside. You jumped slightly, but didn't spill what little you had left of your tea. You paused the movie for a couple of seconds, listening to the silence outside, but there was nothing. The odd buzz of a car could be heard, but nothing other than that. Perhaps an animal had knocked something over. You clicked the play button and continued watching.

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