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You angrily swung your controller back and forth as you attempted to get past the next level on the game you and Hide had been playing. You had been stuck on one part of the level for over 10 minutes now, and Hide looked liked he had no intention of helping you as he was crying of laughter.

"Ah Y/N, I thought you said you were good at this game!" Hide cried as he saw you struggle to even jump a platform.

"Shut up! I just needed to focus! My hands are all clammy from the stress!" While it was true your hands were sweating and stopping you from reaching your full gaming potential, it wasn't true that it was because of the stress. It was because of how close Hide was sitting next to you. His legs were crossed on the sofa you were both sat on, and his hand was so close to your leg. His eyes were full of joyful tears and he kept on hitting his knee with his hand, but one time, he almost hit your leg. You tried not to focus on him, and instead kept on trying to pass the damn jump that was mocking you. Tempted to throw the controller at the TV screen, you "accidentally" quit the game. The screen turned back to the level selector and the theme tune began to play.

"What? Did you press something?" Hide asked. His laughing went to a sudden stop and he froze in the position he was in.

"I-I think so... I didn't mean to!" You said, trying to act as best as you could.

"Oh. Well, do you want to try that level again?"

"No!" You shouted. "I mean, I'm kinda hungry. I haven't ate anything in a while."

You looked at the bag from Big Girl on the table to your right. You and Hide had went to the restaurant to get a take-away before you went to his. You had both ordered your usual, and the hamburger now looked even more tempting after your failure. You needed a little reassurance from all of that.

"Okay! Let's eat some burgers!" He excitedly cheered.

Your burger was delicious. You almost ate the whole thing in two large bites, but you decided to try and eat like a normal human. All the flavours danced on your tongue as you ate it. The game had still been on the title screen and you had began to tap your foot to the tune of the song. You wanted to play again, but after what had just happened, maybe you should take a longer break. You turned to your left to look at Hide, his blonde hair ruffled from the laughter. He looked back at you and you shyly smiled to him- his mouth was full of food but that didn't stop him from beaming his bright smile back. You laughed instinctively at him. No matter how many times he smiled to you, your heart would always beat even quicker when he did. You looked down at the burger in your hands and took the last bite, scrunching the wrapper up into your hand. You threw the wrapper across the room and aimed for the bin. Luckily, it hit the bin and fell straight into it.

"OOH! Nice one Y/N!" Hide threw his arms up into the air and held his hand up for you to high five. Your hand-eye coordination was terrible, but you high-fived him back anyway. You hit his hand perfectly. Was luck on your side today? You felt like you could do anything, until the haunting theme tune crept its way back into your ears.

"God, that level was difficult!" You complained. You half-angrily waved your middle finger in front of the screen, and Hide laughed at your reaction.

"Aw it's not that difficult!" He said back as he grabbed the controller from the floor and ruffled his hair. "Look, I'll show you how it's done" Hide said confidently. Although you wanted to see how it was done so you could hopefully try the next level, you secretly wanted him to struggle so you could prove a point. Just a little bit.

It took around 7 minutes for him to complete the level and you were taunted by the sound of accomplishment from both the game and Hide.

"See! You try the next level."

You muttered under your breath as you snatched the controller from his hand, Hide snickering a little as you did so.

"Aw, you're such a baby at this!" He began to sit forward as he watched you start up the level.

"Shut up!" You snapped back.


"I give up! This level is freaking impossible!" You dropped the controller into your lap and pulled at your hair. It had been over half an hour and you still hadn't finished a single level. Maybe the universe was against you. Maybe you just weren't that good at this game.

"Okay okay, let me help you. Hold the controller." You picked up the controller again and waited for Hide to respond. He moved up closer to you and looked at you. You felt your heart beat faster, your cheeks blush and butterflies in your stomach. All of sudden, he put his hands out and put them over yours on the controller. Your whole body tensed up and it felt like your heart was literally going to burst out of your chest. You looked up to him to see a smaller, but sweeter smile shining back.

"Let me help you."

He started to move the controller in your hands, pressing buttons to jump and different triggers at different moments. But none of that mattered to you right now. Your thoughts were crowded with so many things; your emotions and feelings and the past and the present and the future and how red you must be and how soft his hands were and how big his smile was and how focused his eyes were and how close he was to you and how much you loved him and how much you loved him and how much you loved him. How much you loved him. You couldn't fight it off anymore. For months you had been trying to ignore the sudden quickening heart beat, the messy thoughts and the blushing cheeks. For months you tried to deny it. Ignore it. Fight it. But, seeing you two there, sitting right next to you, his hand over yours, his smile beaming at you every minute or so, his laugh lighting up the room did you realise that you were in love with your best friend. Comforting silence filled the room. You were filled with determination to tell him how you really felt, until he spoke up himself halfway through the level.

"So um, listen, Y/N. I think I need to tell you something."

You turned to face him, you could see he was slightly worried.

"What is it?" You said as you watched him still play the level.

"Over the past month, whenever I see you I feel my whole face turns red and my heart starts to race. You're really pretty. Like uh, stunning. And I-I think that uh.."

Your eyes widened.

"I think... that I... I really like you. Like, like like you."

He stopped playing and turned off the level. Putting the controller down, he turned to face you. Your face was now definitely burning red.

"Y...Y/N. I love you."

For some reason, you didn't open your eyes wide, or feel your stomach flip, but you felt a huge weight lift off of your shoulders. Maybe you should say how you felt.

"It's funny Hide because...I feel the same way about you."

Hide's eyes widened with joy and shock. You were about to say something, until Hide threw his arms around you and hugged you tightly.

"Like, really really really love you."

After a minute of shock, you hugged back and rested your head on his shoulder.Suddenly, everything felt better to you.

"I really do love you Y/N."

The theme tune of the game played in the background.

Maybe the universe wasn't so against you after all.


I hope you liked this one! I don't know exactly what the game you were playing was, but at sometimes I thought of Mario and others Lara Croft????

If you would like, vote for this one-shot! I would really appreciate it! ^_^

~ spicynishiki

(p.s; Any of you spot the Undertale reference? ;))

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