Thank You.

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aah this is weird, isn't it? 

well. its been a while. what have i been doing? not much - school is the main thing in my life. 

i guess i better stop stalling. 

theres been a main cause that its been a while, and its that my interest in writing one shots is gone. not only am i busy, but ive lost all interest in writing. i kept on pushing it aside and ignoring it, procrastinating, but tried to tell myself that one day ill continue that draft, or start that new part, telling myself that i still liked doing it, that it wasnt a burden to me. but the truth is, i dont like doing it anymore, and it is a burden to me. 

maybe its because i felt guilty that people were expecting me to post and i felt bad for letting them down that i told myself i'd continue. i also thought opening up requests would force me to write but i just pushed them aside as well. i hate that i have to use the word 'force' in this. i think that kinda demonstrates how i feel now.

so i guess this is it. and no, this isnt a really late april fools haha! i actually had an april fools os in my drafts that was going to be a haikyuu!! chapter, but that never happened.  

uhh i guess ill explain what will be happening with this collection from now on. 

- ill still keep all the chapters up, and youll be free to comment, vote etc. on them all, but i wont be responding to any of them. i might check this account every now and then, but idk. 

- obviously requests will now be permanently closed. ill delete the request chapters just to remove any confusion. i would like to wholeheartedly apologise to everybody who requested and who i let down, i hope you can forgive me! 

okay! lets get a lil bit emotional!! 

when i first started this os, i did it for fun and didnt expect the amount of attention and praise i got for it. at the time, it genuinely warmed my heart and inspired me so much to write more. even now im still amazed at the attention this gets and it still makes me happy to see how it makes others happy (im also happy the tg fandom is still alive lol) 

its been over 2 years since this account was created, and im so glad i could meet so many people who enjoyed this one shot. i want to thank every single person who voted, commented, and read any chapter of this collection. this platform and this community gave me the chance to express my creative side and write things not only me but others enjoyed. thank you so much everybody! without you all i wouldn't have met so many kind people! and!!! i was even more surprised to see this collection hit the tokyo ghoul ranks!! amazing!!! 

so, i guess this is it. 

from the very bottom of my heart, thank you for an amazing experience.  <3

- spicynishiki 


p.s! the tokyo ghoul :re manga ending made me cry, im so happy (almost) everybody got the happy ending they deserved! kaneki and touka's child is adorable and im so soso happy for kimi/nishiki getting married they deserved that love so much! also naki damn he needs to calm down- 9 children? lmaohegotbusy 

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