Gratitude (Young Tsukiyama)

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12:58pm. You stood outside a cafe, it's scarlet umbrella shielding you from the blistering sun rays inches away. You hummed to yourself as you watched the stressed weekend-workers hurry to their destinations.

As you stood, tapping your foot on the ground to the rhythm in your head, you saw a tall, purple-haired figure crossing the road. You checked your watch to see the time and saw that is was exactly 1pm. He seemed very punctual.

''Shuu!'' You shouted, waving your right arm in the air to greet him and signal where you were. He noticed you, and smiled. He began to quicken his pace, and was soon in front of you.

''Good afternoon, Y/N.''  He lifted up your hand, kissing it gently.

''Good afternoon, Shuu.'' You replied calmly with a smile. You lifted your other arm to reveal your watch, tapping at the hands. "1'o'clock exactly. You're very well timed.'' He nodded his head in reply.

''Well, I don't want to be late for such belle people like you... Shall we start walking?''

''O-of course!'' You flinched at his sudden compliment before just taking a step forward, when you felt a touch on your shoulder. You turned around to see Shuu's hand on you shoulder, looking down at you.

''Before we leave, here.'' He removed his hand from behind his back to unveil a fair-sized bouquet of flowers, each adorned a different colour. You were so invested in meeting him and going, that you didn't even notice he was hiding something.

"Oh my goodness, Shuu! You really didn't have to do this..." You held the flowers with both hands and leaned close to smell them. The elegant aroma floated through your nose.

"I insist."

"B-but it's not like this is a date or anything..." You trailed off as you looked at the brightly coloured petals.

"True, but I couldn't resist." You finally took them from him, and held them tightly in your hands. "Now, let's go!" You began to walk, the tall man walking besides you.

The sun warmed your body as you both walked through the paved streets of Tokyo. Birds sang and leaves danced in the mild wind whilst you walked. The scent of the bouquet would drift to you every so often. You looked up at Shuu, his purple hair glistening in the afternoon sun. You could see every shade in it. He noticed you, and looked back at you. You eyes widened momentarily, before explaining.

"Is there a problem, Y/N?"

"N-no! I was just admiring how bright your hair was in the sunlight." You pointed to it- as if he didn't know where his hair was.

"Why, thank you. You also look very admirable today." He glanced at you up and down, before returning to look back where he was walking.

"Thank you..." You quietly thanked him as you walked. You weren't used to any sort of compliment on your appearance. You heard a faint, short laugh coming from him.


You had been walking for around 10 minutes, and you were very close to your destination. Whilst walking, you saw a group of around 4 men, all dressed in rather dirty and old clothing. They all had different kinds of alcohol and cigarettes in their hands. It was mid-day and you had no idea why anybody would be walking around with drinks on them, but you figured they didn't care.

You held your breath as you noticed one of them had taken interest in you, and was watching as you walked down the street. He signalled the others with him and soon they were all looking at you. You gripped the bouquet even tighter. One of them wolf-whistled to you, whilst another unpleasantly licked his lips. You began to turn uncomfortable, red and starting to sweat as one shouted to you.

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