Waiter (Nishiki)

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The doorbell rang as you entered into the calming coffee shop. As you walked in, the sweet smell of coffee greeted you. You chose to sit down at a table by the window, and waited to be served. After checking your phone for a few minutes, Yoshimura came over to you with another person. 

"Good morning, Y/N." 

"Yoshimura-san, good morning! How are you?" 

"I'm very good, thank you- and you?"

"I'm great, it's a really nice day outside."

"It is." He cleared his throat, before introducing the person next to him. "If I may, we have a new waiter starting today who will be serving you. His name is Nishiki." You looked up to the new worker. He looked around your age, with messy hazel hair and black glasses. He had an irritated expression on his face as Yoshimura introduced him. 

"H-hello. Nice to meet you." You greeted him. He continued to have an irritated expression. Yoshimura leant closer to you and explained to you. 

"He is a ghoul." You simply nodded. Although you were human yourself, you had known Yoshimura ever since you were little and you were a regular at Anteiku. He had his full trust in you. Yoshimura stood up straight, putting his hand on Nishiki's shoulder. "Now, I will leave it to you two. I can tell our customer has been waiting long enough. Good luck." He put his hand down and walked away from the two of you. Afterwards, Nishiki pulled out a notebook and sighed. 

"Tsch. I know what I'm doing, old man." He muttered under his breath. "What do you want?" He coldly said. 

"I'll have a... regular cappuccino, please." You smiled slightly to him. He didn't seem to notice and wrote down your order. "Yeah." He turned around and walked a few steps, before turning back around again. "Uh, what did you say your name was again?" 

"I mean...I didn't say it, but my name is Y/N." 


"Is that all you can say?" You laughed. 

"Uh ye-no! Dammit." He scratched his head before going towards another member of staff. You could tell he was talking about you, as Koma looked at you and started to talk. You awkwardly looked at your phone until your drink came. 


"Here." Nishiki placed your drink on the table. 

"Thank you." 

"So uh, are you a regular? I mean, that old man knew your name and stuff."

"Yeah I am- I guess. I mean, I come here almost everyday. A part from this week- I've been kinda busy. " 

"Oh, okay. Do you live around here or something?" 

You took a sip of your coffee. "Yeah, I'm about to start attending university- so I think I need as much coffee as I can get." You both laughed at your last comment. 

"What university are you going to?" 

"Kamii University."

"Really? I go there as well. What are you taking?"

"Oh, great! I'm taking medicine. What do you do?"

"Pharmacy, but it's crap." You smiled at his last comment, before drinking some more of your drink. "Have you been there yet?" 

"No, and I here it's really huge. I might get lost." You said jokingly, but with a hint of worry in it. 

"I mean, I can show you around- if you want." You looked down, smiling. 

"Thank you, Nishiki. I would like that." 

"Yeah, I can show you all-"

"Nishiki-kun. Stop talking and go help Irimi-san." Koma shouted from behind the counter. Nishiki waved him off and tried to speak again. "Nishiki-kun. Go help Irimi, unless you want to unleash the 'devil ape'." Koma smirked. Nishiki sighed again and turned around. 

Tokyo Ghoul One-Shots (Various Characters x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now