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(First Name)'s POV:

"THE MAIN THING IS, both Taehyung and Jungkook were in love with you back then," Jimin explained, continuing to flip the pages of Taehyung's manuscript. "I'm not sure how they both feel right now, but it's best not to bother either of them about that."

I let out a long and deep sigh, standing up from the piano bench. "I just don't know what to feel right now," I said, crossing my arms as I stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Jimin. I watched as he examined each of Taehyung's original pieces. One by one, each work of his became more and more complex. I was in awe.

"Taehyung said the exact same thing yester-"

Unexpectedly, ear-shattering bangs from the door arose. Both Jimin and I jumped back as well as sudden gasps evading our mouths. He erected himself up from the bench, swiftly returning the notebook to its rightful place upon the music rack of the grand piano. With a slight turn of our   heads, our widened eyes darted to one another. The two of us froze, and in that moment, I could sense the atmosphere around us tense in fright and anxiousness.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung!" a voice blared from outside the practice room. It was deep, and I could make out a hint of satoori behind his voice. The knocks decrescendoed into soft thumps. "Hello? It's Yoongi–Min Yoongi!"

"Ah, Yoongi hyung!" Jimin smiled, skipping towards the door. A faint blush canvassed over his face as he diligently swung it open, and entering with swaggering steps was the one who calls himself Min Yoongi. His face was soft and white–somewhat like sugar–and a bright, pastel mint green mop of hair sat upon the top of his head alongside wind-swept bangs which draped across his forehead.

"Where's Taehyung?" Yoongi asked, standing in front of Jimin on the other side of the grand piano. He held a thick, paper file folder in one hand, banding the string around the two circles with the other to secure it shut.

"He's in the auditorium, I think."

"Jimin, if you lie to me one more time.."

"Hyung, I swear I'm not lying this time! (First Name) and I were just there with him and Jungkook!" Jimin exclaimed, surrendering his hands up.

"(First Name)..?" Yoongi furrowed his brows.

Jimin extended his arm out, pointing his index finger towards me. His peripherals gestured as well, rapidly taxiing back and forth between Yoongi and I. Yoongi slowly turned his head, and once he was fully faced towards me, his eyes lit up brightly, and the corners of his mouth curved into a gentle smile. "Ah, you must be 
(First Name)," he grinned, approaching me in lenient strides.

"Hyung, that's what I just said..." Jimin muttered, dawdling behind him obtusely.

"I've been hearing about you all day. Well, that's just from this kid named Jung Hoseok."

A giggled slipped out from between my lips. I dipped my head to conceal my flushed face. "It seems he would be the one to say it.."

"Well, I've gotta run, but could you give this to Taehyung?" Yoongi asked, holding out to me the brown, document folder. I cautiously acquired it from his hands, slightly bowing my head with a miniscule smile in respect.

"Why, hyung?" questioned Jimin. "Are you going to see your girlfriend..?"

"No, you idiot. I don't even have one."

Before Jimin and I left to find Taehyung, I could've sworn I saw Jimin and Yoongi give eachother devious smirks out of the corner of my eye. Are they..? Then again, Yoongi smacked him in the back of his head as we left Taehyung's practice room. Oh well, I shouldn't meddle around in their relationship.


3rd Person POV:

TAEHYUNG GROANED, LETTING OUT a huge mass of air from his lungs. Jungkook had left right after Jimin and (First Name) ran off, so as of right now, he's just here in the auditorium. Alone. Taehyung sat on the edge of the stage, propping himself up on his hands as he continuously swung his dangling legs. His mind was deeply occupied with the thought of (First Name), and he couldn't quite gather his feelings towards her. I mean, Jungkook and Taehyung have been fighting for almost eight years, so it's basically a war, and (First Name) hasn't even been there for more than half of those long, dreadful years. Also, Taehyung thought that if he gave up now, Jungkook would straight up go for her like a hungry cheetah after a frail gazelle. It was hard to wrap his mind around the fact that this one-sided love might not be worth it at all. Is (First Name) really worth battling for..? Taehyung thought.

Taehyung was hunched over, and his elbows rested toward the end of his thighs near his kneecaps, holding his face in his hands as he contemplated about–well–everything. Unexpectedly, the metal double doors between the right and middle audience sections swung open obtrusively. Taehyung lifted his head to see someone standing in the opening. "TAEHYUNG-AH!" Hoseok hyung screamed, sprinting down the aisle. He was gasping for air quickly and consistently, and his black coffee locks flopped around as he ran.

Stopping right before the stage, Hoseok stood just below him with his hands on his knees, panting heavily. He gulped, "K-Kim Taehyung.."

"Yes, hyung?" Taehyung answered politely, worried about his current state. He leaned over to look down at Hoseok.

"(First Name's) in trouble!" Hoseok looked up at his dongsaeng with a deceitful, distraught expression. He honestly didn't want to do this to Taehyung, considering his quite defenseless self. Furthermore, Taehyung was already picked on to begin with, and it would be ruthless and resentful of Hoseok to do this to him. He knew he would regret this, after all, Taehyung had been his best friend since they both entered high school.

Taehyung immediately jumped down from the stage, affixing the chocolate tendrils that bordered his troubled face. "W-What the hell happened!?"

"She got jumped by the same guys from this morning!" Hoseok lied.

"W-We have to go help her!"

"Well, c'mon! Let's go!"

In a snap, Hoseok started dashing towards the auditorium doors along witn Taehyung who followed closely behind him. The two darted down the twists and turns of the hallways and corridors of the school, and just like that, Hoseok had tricked Taehyung into sitting in the palm of Jungkook's hand. His pursuit was in action. Jungkook awaited at the soccer field with his peanut-brained jocks that gathered up their strength, practicing punches and uppercuts either in the air or in the palms of another teammate. Beads of sweat rolled down the sides of his face as a result of the warm, moist atmosphere. The sky grew a gloomy gray, to which Jungkook thought was the perfect color for the beginning of his plan.

"How about I teach you a lesson, hyung?" muttered Jungkook, his teeth gritted. "Just. You. Wait."

A/N: Spring break is upon us!

Well, most of us, I think..

That means I might update about two more chapters this week!

I will certainly try my best. 😊

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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I love you and have an amazing day!

~ Kanzaki-chan ☆~(ゝ。

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