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Jungkook's POV:

I ROAMED THE STREETS of downtown Seoul with my head hung low and my hands dredged tightly into the pockets of my slacks. Each second that passed, the light gray sky allowed itself to sink into a frigid darkness, and the only sources of brightness were the neon signs and lights outlining the city. My feet shuffled along the sidewalk as I deeply inhaled the bittersweet aromas of emitted smoke from cigars, and I browsed the small shops and mini bars filled to the brim with half-ass drunk men and perky women to my right. I sicken at the sight everytime, almost to the point to where I'd puke my guts out.

Now let me just say that this wasn't uncommon for me. Everyday when the last bell rings, I'd rush on over to escape from all the mess at school, at home, and even in my head. I immersed myself in my sea of thoughts. I wanted to drown in this dark, heavy blue. Swimming up to the top wouldn't be worth my time. Actually, I couldn't even distinguish if the surface was there or not, and I honestly wasn't really fond of trying to search for it.

For my whole life, I've been dedicated to sports, simply because my parents wanted me to excel in something Taehyung and I differ in. In this way, hyung and I wouldn't begin to compete and bicker over everything. So, I trained hard in almost every sport, excluding golf and cricket–which I, myself, cannot think to explain why–and I have a total of around 250 gold in the trophy room. Now, that's just two-thirds of my winnings. The rest is either silver or bronze, and it really isn't that much of the whole collection.

In school, I'm the number one athlete in the entire school, and in my opinion, I'm not proud of it. Honestly, I find it quite stressful being top rank due to the fact that a majority of the school expects me to remain in my place whilst other guys attempt to fight for it. Every damn day I always feel like I'm carrying hundred pounds upon both my shoulders, and the weight continues to add on as a result of my parents.

Well, parent.

My father had just recently passed away several months ago from an unknown stroke. It was truly tragic for my whole family. After all, we didn't see it coming, but frankly, I turned a blind eye. I ignorantly averted my eyes when my mother and older brother found my father breathless on the couch. I buried my head in the sand as he was rushed into the ambulance and escorted to the hospital. Most of all, throughout this entire event, I hadn't shed one single tear over a man who threw his life away just so I could live mine.

My father didn't give me the chance to go out into the world as a national athlete, so I want you to live your life carrying out my dream.

My father was quite the athlete, so it's evident of how I came to be where I am today. He pushed me towards this path of strength and competition, forcing me to join athletics in and out of school. I had enrolled in several sports teams, a few dojos, and even a fencing academy. Buckets of blood, sweat, and tears poured out into how hard I worked and trained my ass off to please both my parents, particularly my father.

You see, he had to give up sports to take care of his family who was in dire need of medical help and support. His mother grew frail and weak, and his father developed pancreatic cancer, so my father dropped out of school and every athletic sport he was involved in to apprehend to his parents. Also, being that he was an only child, his mom and dad were all that he's got. Consequently, I threw in the towel in sympathy of my father, and I decided to make his wish come true.

I gratingly chomped down on the inside of my cheek as a result of the bottled up feelings within me, and I could sense blood draining out of the gash in ny mouth. Looking to my right, I found a deserted alleyway with torch lights flickering dimly as they hung from above along the brick walls of the neighboring buildings. I now started down the pathway while applying direct pressure with both my hands against my cheek to reduce any further blood loss–it seemed somewhat hard to keep my balance due to the fluctuations of the lamps. Just when I spit out the collected thick, red liquid that filled up my mouth off to the side, I begin to hear a handful of large, clomping footsteps from behind me.

"Look what we have here." His voice was deep and booming. "Another child. Alone."

"Wait, hyung, I think I've seen him before," said someone else, only more hushed. "Isn't that Jeon Jungkook? The brat who punched your little brother Hyun Soo?"

Wiping away the drooling excess blood from the corners of my mouth, I hesitantly whipped my head around to the two making their way towards me. Both of the guys concealed their faces with their hoodies cloaked over each of their heads as they pulled out their hands from the kangaroo pocket of their sweatshirts. Beads of sweat rolled down the sides of my face as I watched them approach me with clompy, scuffling footsteps, and a frigid chill ran down my trembling spine. Lee Hyun Soo's brother? Holy sh*t. Didn't he get expelled for beating up a kid to the point where he blacked out..? God, I'm fucked.

My panic-stricken peripherals hid behind my thick charcoal curtained bangs. I gulped timidly, swallowing some residue of blood, and I reluctantly surrendered my hands just above my shoulders. "Jeon Jungkook," Hyun Soo's brother called out sternly. One by one, he brutally cracked the knuckles of both his hands intimidatingly. "You better not run away."

Once he halted before me, he snatched at the collar of my jacket, jerking me close to him so we confront each other eye to eye. The tips of my shoes were barely making contact with the concrete as I was forced to meet his tall, built stature. My lips pursed, but continued to quiver anxiously. "Yoon Seo hyung, you know, I've heard around that this kid's been a real jackass lately," said the other one.

"Really, Jun Yeol?" Yoon Seo asked, turning to his friend as he raised his thick, caterpillar brows.

"I guess we'll have to teach him a lesson."

- - - - - -

A/N: I took WAYYY to long to update.

It's been over two weeks since the last chapter.

미안해요 (I'm sorry) 😭💔.

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I love you and have an amazing day!

~ Kanzaki-chan ☆~(ゝ。

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