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BOTH PAIRS OF EYES pierced into each other's. Although it seemed quite tranquil physically, a warzone cooked up between Taehyung and Jungkook's peripherals. I could almost imagine opposing elements–water and fire–clashing against eachother and reversing upon who would be overtaking the other.

"Hyung," Jungkook sneered. He rolled his eyes as he nonchalantly plopped down in a chair at the dining table, crossing his arms and settling back in his seat.

"Jungkook-ssi," Taehyung offered back, slamming the cupboard door shut. I flinched at the sudden outburst. It wasn't uxexpected that these two would be this tense, especially since it's early morning. We still have school today as well...
I quickly whipped my head around toward the vintage silverware clock on the wall above the sink–6:42, I read–and immediately turned back to my cooking.

The sound of a door shutting from the corridor echoes throughout the whole apartment, and soon enough, Hoseok sluggishly enters the room. His arms are flailed out broadly as he yawns with a gaping mouth. "Good morning," he grinned groggily.

"You're here too, Hoseok hyung?" both Taehyung and Jungkook questioned simultaneously. In a flash, the two scoffed and darted their heads in opposite directions.

"Yeah, (First Name) called me come help take care of you two."

"I can take care of myself just fine," Jungkook muttered.

"It doesn't seem like it after you got your ass beat last night."

"Shut the fuck up, hyung."

"Jeon Jungkook," I snapped irritably, shifting my peripherals towards him. I lasered a glare into his eyes, and he averted his eyes sulkily, sinking in his chair. "Don't talk to Hoseok oppa like that."

"Yes, noona.." Jungkook murmured, slumping his head.


BREAKFAST WAS NERVE-RACKINGLY silent. Jungkook and Taehyung were miles away from eachother, sitting on opposite sides and obverse ends of the eight-chaired dining table. Across from me was Hoseok, who also seemed to feel the foggy atmosphere which clogged the whole apartment. I lifted my face from the plate full of eggs, bacon, and pancakes underneath my chin, and looked to Hoseok. His eyes made contact with mine as he crammed his mouth to the brim with scrambled eggs. I suppressed my giggles, and I continued to finish my meal.

"(First Name), I'm done," Taehyung mumbled, rounding off the last few bites of his food. He stood up from his seat and headed into the kitchen. As he was about to set his plate and glass into the sink, Taehyung paused, gnawing on his bottom lip blankly.

"Jungkook-ah," he sighed.

"What?" muttered Jungkook in reply.

"I hope you don't mind if I steal (First Name) away."

My eyes flare momentarily in surprise. Taehyung...wants me..? For a moment, I found that hard to believe, but knowing Taehyung, he would never spill dishonest words out of his mouth in my prescence. However, we are no longer living in the past, and I had only foolishly dug up memories since those were all I could recall in connection with Taehyung's self. Even so...does that signify the fact that he might as well be lying to my face as of right now?

I laid my eyes on Jungkook to my left, who was left speechless with his jaw dropped to the table underneath after Taehyung's remark. "You damn well know that I'm not going to let you take her away from me," Jungkook retorted, burning a glare into his hyung's eyes. He released the fork from his hand–letting it plummet to the plate below with a crash–and slammed his hands onto the table as he erected from his seat, shoving the chair backwards at the heels of him.

"Oh, so you do mind?" Taehyung sneered, finally placing his dishes in the kitchen sink.

"Why the hell would I not?"

"Regardless, I'm the only one who can take care of (First Name) correctly."

"Who said I couldn't take care of her?"

"All I'm saying is that with your current dangerous habits and actions, (First Name) would feel abandoned or neglected."

Jungkook paused, pursing his lips, "I deserve her more than you."

"And why is that, Jungkook-ssi?"

I watched intently as Jungkook's head began to slump and languish–his dusky tresses curtaining his fallen face. His breathing is ragged and harsh, along with thrown in sniffles from his nose every few exhales. Gazing at him warily, I scrunch my forehead in concern. I hear him murmur inaudible words under his breath, and one by one, tears suddenly start to nose-dive onto his finished, empty plate.

"What did you say?" asked Taehyung. "Speak up, I can't hear a damn word that comes out of your fucking-"

"(FIRST NAME) IS ALL THAT I HAVE LEFT!" Jungkook screamed.

My subconscious internally gasped. W-What is that supposed to mean..? I gulp down the choked up words lodged within my throat. Glancing to Hoseok in front of me, his lips rolled inside of his mouth, and he stared down at the table, anguished. Taehyung as well–he stared down at the marble countertop in disbelief. Are they both aware of what Jungkook is talking about..? "J-Jungkook, w-what are you trying t-to say?" I stammer.

"Jungkook-ah," Hoseok spoke, his voice achingly sad. "You don't have to say it."

Taehyung nodded. "It's too soon for her to know. Just-"

"(First Name)," Jungkook interruptedly sighed. He slowly began to raise his head, unveiling his mess of a face. Residue of the unbroken rivers of sorrow glued to his flushed, rosy cheeks, and I instantly sense unwelcome tears spring into my eyes. I want to call out his name, just to let him know I care, but my voice only slipped out a choked, strangled sob. It hurts. Only a mere second later, Jungkook shattered his elongated, never-ending pause.

"I lost all the people I love."

- - - - - -

A/N: This chapter sucked, but I had writer's block and couldn't write as well as I usually do.

I'm sorry. 😔

I need some inspiration, so please comment some good BTS fanfics I could read! You can comment a story of yours or someone else's! 🤗❤️

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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I love you and have an amazing day!

~ Kanzaki-chan ☆~(ゝ。

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