Chapter Five

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Monday, February 8th

Karasu had woken up to banging at her front door and already knew who it was. Getting out of bed she made her way out her bedroom through the living room and opened the front door to see Tatara's smiling face along with a few other people behind him.

"It's to early for this. If you make something clean after yourselves." Karasu grumbled letting in her new friends inside her apartment.

"Don't you look nice this fine morning." Izumo smirked when she glared at him.

"Kiss my ass, pervert." Karasu was dressed in a white spaghetti strap night shirt that showed off her stomach, red night short shorts with her hair messy from her sleep. Yawning she went back into her room getting on her queen sized bed and under the covers. All the while everybody else sat on her couch, on the floor beside the couch or at the kitchen table.

"It's barly nine in the morning and she's still asleep?" Tatara questioned which he got glares from around the room.

"Not everyone is a morning person Tatara." Yata said.

"Yata's right. You even woke the rest of us up just to come here." Izumo hit his friend on the head.

"Hey, don't sweat it. Everything will be okay." He said with a smile. An hour later Karasu got up to see Anna sleeping beside her. Carefully getting out of bed Karasu walked out her room into the living room to see that everyone had fell asleep while watching tv.

Sighing she made her way back into her room closing the door heading to the bathroom to take a shower. Thrity minutes later she stepped out the tub drying herself off before wrapping the towel around her body walking out and stepping into her room to see Anna wide awake watching tv.

"Your finally up, Anna." Karasu said as she stood in front of her closet. She laid out the clothes on her bed as she was now in a pink lace bra and underwear, putting on a black and white plaid skirt, a white muscle shirt and black socks that reached mid thigh and black boots.

"Come on Anna, I'm sure your hungry." Anna turned off the tv before getting out of bed as Karasu opened the door to see Mikoto standing there.

"Your awake already? I thought I was going to get the frying pans out just to wake you up, lion." Mikoto rolled his eyes moving aside letting Karasu and Anna walk out the room into the living room to see everyone was awake now.

"Who's hungry?" The guys started yelling what they wanted but she didn't have that much food thanks to them coming over almost everyday.

"I'm making pancakes and all of you are getting five each, nothing more and you better eat what I make. Understand?" They all nodded and got out the kitchen while Anna and Tatara stayed and helped.


"How did we get roped into this again?" Saruhiko asked as he and the others walked down the street towards a market place that Karasu went to buy food.

"It's because you guys eat my food every time you come to my house. The only thing you don't eat are the fruits. The least you guys can do is come with me to buy more food."

Karasu smirked as she walked backwards talking with the group of guys. Anna was looking around the area through one of her red marbles as she held onto Mikoto's jacket. Tatara was walking beside Karasu as he recored everything. Izumo was just watching them from beside Mikoto.

"Kara seems to be enjoying herself don't you think, Mikoto?" The red head looked at his friend before looking behind him to see that Tatara was recording Karasu as she talked to his clansmen.

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