Chapter Six

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February 11th


"What is it, Tatara?"

"Do you know that in a few days is my birthday?"

"Ah, that means your one year closer to the grave."

"Kara~!" Tatara whined as Karasu laughed.

"I'm playing, your birthday is on the fourteenth right?"

"Yeah, the same day as Valentine's day. So I get twice as much sweets."

"What do you do on Valentine's day? You get candy and that's it?"

"Haven't you done anything on Valentine's day before?"






"How can that be?!"

"I was homeschooled when I was taken out of first grade."

"So that means you never had a boyfriend."


"How about a date?"


"Your a virgin then?" Rikio asked the brunette.


"Your very open to answering these questions, aren't you."

"Should I have lied and said I wasn't a virgin?" Izumo sighed at the confused look on her face.

"Nevermind." Izumo mumbled as he cleaned a glass cup, lifting it in the air making it shine in the light. Karasu puffed out her cheeks before reading the book she had gotten from a local book store, her fingers running through Mikoto's red hair as he rested his head on her lap.

Ever since the run in with Munakata and his clansmen a week ago Karasu was never alone. Mikoto would send Yata and Saruhiko to walk her home no matter what. Even if the sun was still high in the sky. She even answered questions that the Red clan that regarded her relationship with the Blue King.

"What are you getting me?" Removing her eyes from her book looking at her curious brown eyed friend starring at her.

"If I told you what I would be getting you then it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" She smiled when Tatara sighed nodding his head.

"How about a hint then?"

"Give it up." Dewa said.

"She won't tell you even if she wanted too." Chitose said.

"They're right, you know. You should know that by now, Tatara." Yata said as he took a sit on the couch beside his pouting friend.

"You all know me so well. I'm flattered." She chuckled as they started talking about her cooking and what they wanted to try next.

"I've been meaning to ask you something for awhile now, Karasu." Izumo called out to the brunette catching her and everyone else's attention.

"Okay. What is it?" She put the book down beside her lap looking at the older man.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"I don't really remember, you know. If I had any I would've known about that."

"You don't remeber?" She sighed running her fingers through her hair.

"I think I did but I'm not entirely sure if I do or don't have siblings. I was only a little kid in first grade when I was taken from my family."

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