Chapter Twelve

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April 2nd- Saturday Afternoon

It has been a little over thirteen days since Fushimi had left HOMRA joining Scepter 4 and the members of HOMRA didn't like that Fushimi had betrayed them for the Blues but Yata was the one who felt betrayed the most. Karasu hated seeing Yata like this and the Red Clan knew that. Karasu was more like a younger and older sister to them then a friend.

Karasu sat in the bar alone while Mikoto and the others went out to handle a few things leaving her to watch over the bar.

'Why couldn't I go with them? It's so boring since Izumo changed the sign.' Karasu thought as she let out a sigh.


Karasu head turned facing the door to see a shadow of a person standing there. Getting up from the couch she stood in front of the door.

"We're closed right now. Come back in a hour."

"Karasu Nishi. I'm lieutenant Seri Awashima of Scepter 4. I wish to speck with you face to face." Quickly unlocking the door she opened the door to see a woman with shoulder-length, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a simple dress and heels.

"Come on in." Karasu said opening the door wider.

"That's not nessecary but thank you. I just came here to drop this letter off from my captain." Seri took out a letter from her bag handing it to Karasu. Karasu noted the Blue Clans' symbol on the front.

"Thank you, Awashima." Karasu bowed to the woman who smiled.

"Your welcome." With that the lieutenant left down the road. Closing the door behind her, Karasu made her way to the bar sitting on one of the many stools before opening the letter.

Karasu, meet me at Scepter 4 Headquarters at six o'clock sharp tonight. - Blue King, Reisi Munakata.

"That was short for a letter." She mumbled as she placed it on the bar counter.


"What was short other then you and Yata?"

"What'd you say about my height!?"

"I-Izumo?! You guys are back already!" Karasu looked at the group surprised. She quickly put the note back in the envelope, folding it up and putting it in her bra.

"What did you put in your shirt?" Izumo asked the brunette with a raised eyebrow.

"N-nothing! Nothing at all!" Taking out her phone she saw it was twenty minutes past three o'clock.

"I have to head on back to my place. See you guys later!" She told them with a nervous smile as she headed for the door.

"It's still early to go home, Kara!" Tatara whined from his spot on the couch.

"S-sorry, Tatara but I have something to do tonight."

"Like what exactly?" Izumo eyed the young woman who let out a small nervous laugh as she scratched her cheek facing the bar.

"It's n-nothing but I really have to head back home. Bye!"

"Got yourself a date?" This caused Karasu to stop in her tracks as she felt a certain pair of eyes from a red haired man.

"N-now why would you think that?! Even though it isn't a date..." She mumbled the last part scratching her cheek with her finger as she faced them.

"So it is a date? Who's the guy? Is that why you hid something in her shirt?"

"Th-that has nothing to with the other, Kusanagi!"

"Last name, huh? You're serious."

"Of course I am! Besides, do you really think I would tell you guys if I'm going on a date with a guy? I don't think so!"

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