Chapter 11:Jerk!!

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Your pov:
Mark and i have been together for at least a month now he has these moments where i feel like hes nt himself its scary.we dont talk that often either.other than when were with friends. I mean not to be cliche but i feel like we should be with each other 24/7 hugging kissing and grossing out little kids. But this is life not some fanfiction.
I was playing my sims4 just for fun when mark called."yello?" "Hey babe what ya up to?" "Oh,nothing much just playing sims and missing you." "Babe i miss you too im sorry we havent been spending much time together.thats why i was wondering if i could come over to your apartment and watch a scary movie and cuddle?" I smiled and giggled a little at his adorableness. "Yes ive love that" "yay ill be over there shortly." "Ok cant wait" "me neither love you" "love you too markimoo"i hung up happy but then at the same time worried i know hes hiding something from me. I dont know what to do or how to confront him about it. Or if i should confront him about it. I dont know.i text caroline.
Y:hey Caroline

C:hey what going on stranger havent heard from you in a while i guess mark keeps you busy. ;)

Y:CAROLINE!!NO! not yet we want to take it slow.

C:ok,while on the topic how are you and mark doing?


C:(y/n) .......

Y:we're good i swear. I love him he loves me its perfect. Caroline knew something was up i mine as well tell her.

Y:ok,ok idk its mark he's acting...strange not that same mark i met before.and knew well thought i knew. :-(

C:oh sweety maybe hes so in love he doesnt know how to express himself. A lovesick puppy. Maybe!

Y:yea maybe.... i was going to say more but i heard a knock at my door I knew it had to be mark.i deleted what i was about to say to Caroline and raced to the doori looked through the peep hole yep it mark i opened the door. "Hey babe"mark said. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him into a tight hug i took in his scent just to remember this moment.i smiled. He hugged me back. We soon pulled out of the hug and went in for a loving kiss that lasted a good while until i heard a door slam. There was an old man atleast seven doors down in a robe coming from his apartment. He was looking at us. "Lets take this inside shall we." Mark said smiling "hehe we shall" mark grabbed my hand and rushed us into the apartment i closed the door behind us. We went right back to kissing.his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms around my neck. And our lips moving perfectly together. Mark lifted me up and took me to the couch laying on top of me not breaking the kiss. I we sat there for a second until i felt a hand sneaking inside my shirt i jerked away instantly."Mark!" I yelled. "What?" He said in a nonchalant tone. "We talked about this taking it slow." "Youre right im sorry i just missed you soo much i got carried away" he smiled and got off of me. I turned on my xbox and put on netflix. (There wlll be no netflix and chill) "what do you wanna watch?" I asked. "How about childs play:chuckys return?" "Sure" i put it on and sat next to mark. During the film mark would hold me and whisper things like,'im right here' 'ill protect you' and sweet stuff like that to comfort me throughout the jumpscares. We occasionally kiss and say i love you.this is the mark i knew im glad hes back to least thats what thought.out of no where mark jumped off of the couch. "Mark?" I said worried he then collapsed to the floor in pain. Clenching his torso.i rushed to his side worried and scared."Mark?!" He couldnt answer he was wincing in pain."Whats wrong?!" I started to feel my heart sink i hated seeing him like this i was scared thoughts started flying through my head bad thoughts.i began crying.right when i was crying i heard mark laughing. "What?"i sai confused."hahahhaah you should've seen your face!!!priceless oh god!!!"he was clenching his stomach dying lauging.i found no part of this funny. "Jerk!!" I sad clearly pissed off. I threw a pillow at him and crossed my arms pouting like a small child."aww come on babe chill it was just a joke a prank a harmless prank!!" He said still laughing this sent me over the edge."A HARMLESS PRANK?!!YOU THINK SCARING YOUR GIRLFRIEND HALF WAY TO DEATH IS FUNNY?!"i yelled."yes" he replied.hes not even gonna apologize?hug me?say hey look im fine? Heartless asshole i no longer wanted to see him i dont wanna yell cause i have a video to do later.i rub my temples and closed my eyes and calmly said.."mark...please..get out." "Babe its just a-" "GET OUT MARK!!" I i pointed ti the door. "Fine,party poopin' bitch" he mumbled the last part but i heard that clearly. "EXCUSE WHAT WAS THAT?!?!!!?" "Im going (y/n),bye" he said as he slammed the door i was so hurt and upset i went to my bed and cried minini comforted me. I expected mark to text or call trying to apologize but he didnt.i played a round of hunger games with joey graceffa and bajancandian. I was in the game but not truly in it my mind was on mark. And how he did me earlier mitch and joey asked me if im ok cause i seemed quieter than normal i said im fine. We finished playing i didnt even bother editing i just uploaded and cried myself to sleep. I knew the viewers would notce my strange behavior and my red pufgy i eyes fron the webcam i didnt care.i went to sleep on the couch with minnie by my side.'what a way to show someoneyou care ' i thought

A/n:hey guys its beautyqueen2222 comin at ya with another chapter. Hope ya enjoyed i loved making it.what do you think you should do about mark?should you ask the girls about what to do?what will happen next?youll see in the next chapter...... yes i have everything planned out for the next chapter muahahahahah.
Thank reader chan. Lus ya bai.

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