Chapter 5: a lil romantic stuffy stuff

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Hey guys! Markiplier_is_king here! Aka Caroline! Now, idk if beauty queen is up to the challenge... But I think she should write the main characters POV...
She has a really good idea for the main characters personality and with my luck, I would make it different... So ya.. I'll write other characters POV
Especially meh
Here we go!
Caroline pov

The panel was really cool!!! We got to sign some stuff... I saw Jack *small blush*
Mark too!! Holy shit... He's hot.. And I think he likes (y/n)
That's so cool
I love them together
So kute
When the signings and everything ended... We all went our separate ways. Well, by that I mean I waited for (y/n) and Selena to meet me outside.
I decided after like 10 minutes to start walking without them
"Hey Caroline! Wait up!" I heard a voice come up behind me. I stop and turn around to see Jack running to catch up to me
"Oh, hey jack"
"Where ya goin?"
"Wherever the road takes me"
"So down an alley to get kidnapped?"
"Most likely"
"Or you could go to that starbucks..." He suggested.
"Maybe... But I don't have any money"
"My treat, let's go" he grabbed my arm and ran across the street
"Woah!" He was a fast runner
"Hey Caroline!" I heard Selena call "where ya goin?!" I was having deja vu now.
"She's with me" Jack waved
"Oh" she had shifty eyes , her mouth turned into a smirk "have fun you two"
She walked back inside.
Time skip
We sat down on a couch at Starbucks, Jack had gotten a black coffee
And me, being a wuss, I got a large vanilla chai tea latte with extra whip cream.
My drink was too hot to drink so i just set it down.
"So Mark and (y/n) seemed to hit it of" he pointed out
"Yea, I ship it"
"I thought Mark was yours?" He chuckled
"He was but he clearly is madly attracted to (y/n)"
"So what about you now... Who is yours"
"Nobody... You?"
"Same here... Single for about 2 years now"
"Omg, I've never had a boyfriend. I beat you!"
"I saved my love for Mark"
"That's sad"
"Time well spent"
"I still don't know how you did it, not having a boyfriend for that long"
"You know, I don't live for love.."
"But you must have turned down so many guys!"
"What makes you say that?"
"Your beautiful"
I blushed on the outside, but on the inside, this is what was happening
"Did you hear that?! He called me beautiful"
"What do I say back?!"
"I'm also underage"
"No, that would be mean"
"You're beautiful too.."
"No... That's weird"
"Just smile and say thanks"
I look him in the eyes and smile, blushing the whole time
He didn't reply, he just smiled and went to go pay for our drinks
Jack POV
Holy shit
Did I really just do that?!
I don't even know how old she is! She could be underage for all I know
That's pedo
And pedo is wrong
I just went to go pay for the drinks that we already payed for... When she wasn't looking I ran outside and banged my head against the wall
"Stupid stupid stupid!"
"What's wrong with you?" Some guy came up and said
"I just told the girl I like that se was beautiful, and k don't even know her age"
"Dude.. That could be a pedo move"
"Just go in there and ask her how old she is!"
"It can't be that simple"
"It can be as simple as you make it"
"Alright" I turn to go walk inside
"Thanks random stranger" I turn around and realize that he is gone..
Was he ever even there?!
"Well that took long enough" she smiled as I walked back over
"Hey uh, can I ask you something"
Caroline POV
"How old are you?"
Oh god... I'm almost 18.... Just... Not yet.
"Oh god" he facepalmed "I am so sorry, I'll just go.."
"Because that's a pedo move!"
"I turn 18 in a few days"
"How many"
"2 days"
"Really" he said puzzled
"Alright..." He smiled "so I guess you won't mind giving me your number?"
"Not at all" I flashed a smile and wrote my number into his phone. We walked out of Starbucks, we all had the same hotel...
"Let's walk, it's a nice night" Jack said admiring the stars
"Yea, it is" I felt his hand grab mine, his hand was so warm, so soft, so... I'm underage.... Fuck it, what could it hurt to hold a hand
We walked down the road, holding hands and swaying arms. The moon lighting our path as we made our way to the hotel.

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