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Hey guys beautyqueen2222 ill have A chapter out shortly but i just wanted to say thank you so much for 168 reads this is my first fanfic ever i always have ideas that im scared of sharing well this time i acted on one. And im realy happy i did.i know by now its seems really cliche and crap but believe me pease when i say thank you thank you thank you thank you you have no idea how it makes me smile i love you so much my beautiful reader chan :-) and i have many many ideas fir this stories and other stories as well this is encouraging me to share them thank you. And thank you markiplier_is_king for this i cant say it enough. I also wish to say you..yes you reading this...youre awesome beautiful amazing talented. Dont let anyone tell you different and if youre cutting stop it kills me to know a reader is in pain sonetimes i feel like everytime someone i love cuts thats another scar to my heart so stop please cuz i love u..ik u dont know me but you gave me helped me so im helping you. Life is hard i know but it doesnt mean you should take bit out on yourself. I used to cut my scars are no longers visible but some are.but i realize cutting doesnt make life any better you can get through whatever youre going through i believe in you. All storms must come to pass remember that...

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