chapter 12:Trouble in paradise...

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Selena's pov:
Sawyer wasnt going to be home today he has a short film shooting lonely i also havent talked to (y/n). I decided'you know Caroline told me (y/n)'s mark troubles were going to have s girls get together me and my girls. I call caroline.

S:hey caroline whats up

C:nothing much im sooo fucking bored jacks upstairs recording.ugh

S:totally get it sawyer left t shoot a short film. Hey how about you pick up (y/n) and bring her over and we go to the carnival. Just us three girls

C:sounds awesome.ill give her a call and well be other there in a few.

S:sweet see ya.
End of call
I rush and get ready soon carolina and (y/n) show up we decide to ride in carolines really jacks car. We showed up the carnival and got on so many rides played alot of games it felt good to get away from the guys for a minute. We were enjoying ourselves.though i could tell (y/n) was still distracted i decided to stop the ice cream booth and get us some chocolate icecream cover in oreo and brownie bits a lot of chocolate i know but i could tell (y/n) needs t vent we all sat down on a nearby bench and i simply gave (y/n) her icecream and said...."alright girly spill it...all of it." "Mark is being an asshole and im nit going to talk to him last night he scared the crap out of me and made me cry he didnt comfort me or say he was sorry he laughed. And then left he kept texting me saying he was sorry this morning but he didnt text me anytime lastnight its just ugh." I was enraged i cant believe mark would dothat to (y/n) hes lucky if the next time i didnt see him i kick him where the sun dont shine."well what did you say back." I asked trying my hardest not to burst inti flames. "Nothing yet." (Y/n) replied 'good' i thougt we got finished. We talked it out a little more we then decided it was late ad we should starts heading home we all went to throw out bowls into the trashcan at once when all the sudden i see a face not just any face marks face and what he was doing wasnt pretty......

A/n:i am sooooo sorry.i know uts shorter than normal but i my ipad is about t die and i really wanted ti put up a chapter and im sorry...i must add a cliffhanger hanging on a cliff. No one remembers between the lions?yes?no?well if you do high five whaapoosh!! Anways what do you think mark was doing thats not pretty ?that will most likely have your friend selena do more than kick him where the sun dont shine?youll see in the next chapter.thanks for readin if ya like it .id love it if youd drop a vote. And please you thing damn this a awesome the world must know then please feel free to share and i willsee you in the next chapter mkay bai lus ya lots

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