The Rise of Deathstroke

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Nightwing's POV
Even though its been amazing getting back into the hero thing, it has kinda been boring. All we're doing is taking down petty bad guys, nothing major like it was in Gotham. The thrill just isn't there anymore. Hope that changes soon.

The alarm then set off, straight when I was going to order some pizza too! I pulled up the map, and saw that the attack is at Star Labs. What the hell? What could be going on there? "Star Labs, an unusual place to do a crime." Raven said "Unusual or not, we gotta job to do. Titans Go!" I shouted and we left to do the mission.

We got there, but I held the team back from going in just yet. "Cyborg, hack into the security cameras to see what's going on." I ordered, and he started to process."Oh my God..." Cyborg uttered quietly "What troubles you?" Starfire asked "Whoever this guy is, he's leaving dead bodies as he goes. He's slaughtering everyone in the building!" Cyborg explained, just who the hell is this guy!? "Describe him!" I said to him "Orange and black mask with duel swords, AK-47, and two pistols." he described, and I knew just who that is "Okay new plan. You help the workers while I'll deal with this crazy murderer guy." I explained, and they looked shocked, but didn't argue with me. Then, we headed inside.

"C'mon Deathstroke! We have a history together man! Don't do this!" I heard from a lab down the hall, and started running towards it. "Sorry O'Connor, but the bounty is too big for me to pass up." Deathstroke exclaimed and I busted the door open and shouted "Hey!" Deathstroke turned around and we stared at each other "Just who the hell do you think you are kid?" he asked, and I just smiled like I usually do "Name is Nightwing, and your Deathstroke aka Slade Wilson. A army veteran that had some "test" run on him in the army and now he's an elite mercinary for hire. Right?" I stated, showing that I know him already "Smart boy." he complimented "Yea, I do my homework." I said in a cocky manner. "I'll give you one chance to leave before I gut you as well." Deathstroke threatened, and I just laughed "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" I exclaimed in laughter, as he took out his duel swords "How about swords then?" he asked, and got into a fighting stance. I took my staff out and got into my fighting stance, and we charged at each other ready to fight. He swung his swords at me twice, but I blocked them with my staff and sweaped him off his feet with it. He quickly got up as I smiled "That all you got?" I asked, being boastful as ever and he didn't take kind to that. He charged again and I thought he was going to attack with his swords, but he lunged kicked me to the ground. He tried to stomp my face in, but I rolled out the way and swung my staff at him, but he caught it and punched me, making me let go of my staff. He then snapped it in two and put his swords away "Let's see how you do without your stick, boy." he said, and I started getting pissed. Now, its time to get serious!

I lunged kicked at him, but he side stepped me like it was nothing. I then spin kicked but he blocked me. I swung my hardest and most precise punches at him, but he blocked them all like they were nothing. He then caught my fist and started twisting my wrist very awkwardly, making me scream in pain and get on one knee "It"s ashamed." Deathstroke started and punched me in the stomach and spin kicked me in the jaw, making me fall back onto the floor in agony "All that talent inside you" he said as I tried to get up, but he took his sword out and sliced my chest making me bleed "gone to waste." he finished. I couldn't move, I couldn't fight, I couldn't defend myself. He then knealed over me and started repeatedly punching me hard in the face. My nose and lip started bleeding, and I was going in and out of consciousness. He then grabbed me by my shirt and exclaimed "Next time, pick a fight you can win kid." and picked me up and threw me through a wall. I'm done. I can't move and even if I did, he's bested me at everything I've tried to do. He came out and pointed his gun at me "You were more of a worthy opponent then I expected, but I'm afraid I going to have to put you down." Deathstroke exclaimed, and before he could pull the trigger, I lost consciousness.

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