The New Raven

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Nightwing's POV
After being in hell for so long, I've decided to take a day off from training and just relax. "Hey Dick." I heard, and looked up to see Raven over top of me. Its weird seeing her with long hair and a white cloak now. "What's up Raven?" I asked "You mind if we do a little sparing?" she asked, and I looked confused "You mean like martial arts sparing?" I asked, making sure I understand what she means "Yeah." she answered. She can't be serious, right? I've known Raven for over a year now, and she hasn't shown one sign of knowing any type of martial art training. This should be interesting.

We went in my dojo and got in our fighting stance. I'm going to go easy on her, probably use some basic moves on her. I threw a punch, and she grabbed my hand, jumped on me and used the Kumara Lock. What the hell!? I tapped out fast, I didn't expect her to be that fast and know that move! I got back up and rubbed my arm "Lucky shot!" I exclaimed and ran up and threw a kick, but she dodged and spin kicked me. I hit the ground and stayed there for a while, when did she know all of this!? She went over me and said "Nice sparing with you. Thanks." and walked away. Okay, no more relaxing, I'm training all day now!

Starfire's POV
It is a nice and sunny day in San Francisco. I decided that today I would engage in what they call shopping on this world. I realize that I have to come acquainted with Earth customs so I can leave my Tamaranean heritage behind. Which ultimately means wearing there type of clothing. So that's what I shall do.

Before I left the tower, Raven stopped me in the middle of the hallway "Hey Star, where are you going?" Raven asked me "I'm going out shopping!" I said excitedly "Sounds pleasant. May I come?" she asked, I stood there shocked. She wants go shopping? With me? Glorious! "Of course you can! This will be so much fun!" I stated and we began walking out to the mall to start our day of shopping.

Cyborg's POV
I decided to chill today and just play some Street Fighter. I then heard the door open and turned around to see Raven and Starfire laughing while holding shopping bags in their hands. "That was so much fun! Thank you for accompanying me today!" Starfire said and hugged Raven. She then left while Raven came and sat next to me "Wanna one v. one me in Street Fighter?" she asked, and I laughed. "Girl, I am the champion of this game!" I boasted, and she grabbed a controller and said "Let's see then." Well okay, she asked for it!

We played three games....and I lost all of them. How!? She doesn't even play video games! How the hell did I lose?! "Good game." she said and walked off I don't think I wanna play this anymore...

Beast Boy's POV
Been one of my chill days today. I went outside and worked on my tan, sipped some lemonade, ate some deluxe tofu. Living the good life. I went back inside to run into Raven. "Beast Boy, we need to talk." she said, and I just nodded. "I wasn't able to show my true feelings towards you because of my father, but now I can." she started, and my heart began racing like a NASCAR driver. "Garfield, I love you. You're amusing, very soft hearted, and an amazing person to be around." she explained, and I decided to lean in and kiss her. I don't know why, I just did. She kissed me back, and when we stopped we just looked at each other "One thing, can you go the whole emo thing?" I asked, and she laughed "Yes. I've grown fond to that side of myself, and wouldn't prefer to change it." she stated, and I smiled "Me neither."

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