Warrior From The Sea

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Beast Boy's POV
After everything that had happened, we took a day off. We sooooooooo needed it. I went outside and worked on my tan, then I realized I couldn't really get one because of my green skin. Crap! Imma just go back inside, but first I needa pee! I went in the ocean, no one will know or care, but then I heard something come up from the ocean. I turned to see a dark skinned male, with a red water proof shirt and black swimming pants, strange things on his neck, and I don't even know how to describe his hands. But, from the look of his face I can tell he's not happy, oh no.

"You! Green one!" he shouted and pointed at me, and I looked around to see if there was another green person. Sadly, there wasn't. "Yes...?" I murmured, and he began walking towards me and lectured me saying "I am sick of you land dwellers contaminating our beautiful seas with your waste and trash! This stops this instance!" and I looked very confused. Land dwellers? Does this guy think he's a mermaid, or a merman in this case."I'm sorry, but who are you?" I asked, very confused on what's going on here "My name is Kaldur'ahm of Atlantis, King Arthur's migbtest warriors chosen to go by the legendary name of Aqualad. Making me the king's most valued student." he explained, and I just laughed my butt off! Atlantis?! Really!? I think this guy swam from Colorado, had him a little to smoke. "Atlantis? I gotta see this place. Show me please Kal." I said to him and walked towards him "Its Kaldur'ahm, and I would be happy to show you our precious kingdom." he said and jumped back in the water, and I turned into a dolphin and began to swim with him.

We swam for a while, and I started to lose patients, c'mon dude how far away is this place!? "How long til we are-" and I was interupted by the cite of what looks like heaven in a dome. "This is Neptune's finest creation, Atlantis." he said, and I just kept looking at this beautiful thriving city of sea creatures of all sorts. This is so awesome! "So, you live here?" I asked "Not just live, I protect this kingdom with my life. As long as I live, nothing will harm Atlantis." he explained, and now I feel bad for peeing in the ocean knowing that its something this beautiful down here.

We swam back to the tower and I transformed back. I handed him a communicator and said "Here, just in case you and Atlantis need some help." "I only need Neptune's strength and spirit to help me." he stated, this guy really adores Neptune "Well, just in case Neptune's strength is running late, you can call us." I said, and he gave me a look and just took the communicator. "See ya Kal!" I said, and he turned to say "It's Kaldur'ahm!" and just into the sea. Funny dude, hope to see him again one day.

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