Hell on Earth

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Nightwing's POV
I awoke in some type of giant hole in the ground. I barely remembered what happened, just that...Raven! I sprung up to see the sky crimisom red "Dear god no..." I uttered, not believing what I'm seeing. I then looked to my side to see the other Titans awake "Guys!" I exclaimed and ran to them. I hugged and kissed Starfire, and checked on the others to see if they are okay. Now that I think about it, seeing this, no will would be okay.

We looked around to see fire all around with everyone turned to stone. The water turned to lava, and random spots are on fire. It is truly hell on earth. "How are we alive? Shouldn't whatever had happened turned us into stone?" Cyborg asked, and I wondered this too. All of a sudden, our communicators started buzzing. I took mines out, to see a black aura around it. Raven! "Raven... She saved us with her powers she hid in the communicators." I said, and I can see everyone felt depressed once I said that name. I don't blame them.

"So what do we do now?" Cyborg asked, sound as it he's already given up "We fight and defeat him!" Starfire exclaimed with much enthusiasm "Star, he's a interdimensional demon that could probably pick us all off with a look." Cyborg explained, and the look of depression covered everyone's face again. "We still need to do something." I said "We need Raven..." Beast Boy added quietly. Seconds later, we heard a familiar voice say "I can help with that." We look to see, it is Slade!

Cyborg and Starfire both blasted him, and then Beast Boy turned into a bear and slapped him hard into a wall. I held him against the wall with one of my birderangs to his neck "You have some nerve showing your face you bastard!" I exclaimed, angered that I'm even seeing this disgusting human being. "Relax Dick, I'm here to help you defeat Trigon." he said, as if I actually believe anything he has to say "You helped him into this world! You helped him being hell to earth! Why the hell should we trust you now!?" I asked aggressively "Because I'm the only who knows where Raven is." he stated, and we all stopped in shock "You sadistic freak! Where are you hiding her!?" Beast Boy asked, and I let him go so he could speak. "Trigon only needed her so he could be free, so after he was unleashed his disposed of her. Trigon knew that Raven was the only person that could seal him back, so he got rid of all her powers, memories, and putting her in a weaken state where she is guarded by Trigon's top warrior beneath the surface. He shared secrets with me when I was employed, and I now know where she's being guarded." he explained, and if its true we have to go now! She's our only hope at saving the world. "We'll go with you." I said "It's not that simple. This is Trigon's world now, so he can see us at anytime at any place. We need a few of you to stay back and distract him as me and one of you goes with me to find her." he elaborated, and I had to make a decision now.

I trust myself more to be able to handle the enemies below and make sure Slade doesn't try anything funny, so I guess I've made my decision. "I'll go." I said "Dick..." Starfire uttered in a low tone, and I went over to her and our my hand on her shoulders "I promise Star, I'll come back. And I'll bring her back." I promised, and hugged her "This is very touching, but we need to get going Nightwing." he said, and I began walking with him to go find Raven. Just stay safe Raven, I coming for you.

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