Training The Apprentice

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Nightwing's POV
I threw away my Nightwing outfit and put on a suit similar to Slade's. I wore a shirt that is half black and half orange with the letter S on the black side, similar to my Robin suit. I had a gun on my waist belt and knives on the sides of my legs. This all makes me sick to my stomach. Bruce would be so disappointed, but I had no other choice that I could live with.

Slade came out, with his mask off by the way. I believe he's feeling comfortable with me around, he shouldn't. "The suit fits well on you Dick. You're like my own son." he said, and it angered me so I said in a fit of rage "I already have a father." He stood in front of me "Its time to train." he said, and I looked confused "I don't need training." I said, and he just laughed "Whoever trained you didn't expect for you to go out on your own. If he is a skilled martial artist, then he has held many things back from you." Slade stated, and I started to think. It wouldn't be the first time Bruce has held something back from me. "Now, hit me." Slade said, and I gladly took this offer. I swung at him, but he caught my fist "You must be faster. I could easily catch your fist and break your wrist if I wanted." he announced and let go of my hand. I swung again much faster, and it hit, and he hit me back, but I dodged "Nice reflexes, but-" he stopped and punch me in the face, making me fall to the ground "never let your guard down." he finished. This is going to be a long day.

Later, we went outside where there is a target lined up. "You need to learn how to use a gun." Slade said, and I gave him a look of disgust "I don't resort to guns." I told him, and he grabbed me and put the gun in my hand "You can, and you will!" he ordered, and it killed me inside to know I couldn't do anything about it. I aimed the gun and shot the target all on the point. I may never use guns, but I know how to use one. "Impressive." he said, while pieces of me died on the inside. "Now, it is time for your first mission."

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