Plan B

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Beast Boy's POV
They're all gone. I'm the only Titan left. The world is doomed and I can't do anything about it. Our only hope was Raven, but now it's all over. I flew away from Trigon and just sat there. I had nothing to do, nowhere to go. Might as well stay here til Trigon finishes me off.

"Hope your not giving up yet." I heard, and I looked up to see Red Arrow, Batgirl, Bumblebee, and Kid Flash all in front of me. Wait, how!? "How are you guys not a statue?" I asked, very confused "The communicators you guys gave us, it started going glowing all dark when the world turned into Satan's playground." Kid Flash explained, good going Raven! Now we have a chance!

"Where is Dick?" Batgirl asked, and I stopped. I really didn't wanna answer that question, but she needed an answer. "Nightwing... And the Titans were killed by Trigon." I told them, and Batgirl and Bumblebee started tearing up because of the lost of who they cared about. "They are not dead." we heard, and looked to our side to see young Raven "My father trapped them in a pocket dimension, only to be freed if he is defeated or sealed." she explained, and Batgirl went from sad to mad in like a second "Then I'm taking him down!" Batgirl exclaimed "I'm in!" Bumblebee supported "I'm not giving our planet up without a fight!" Red Arrow stated while readying his bow and arrow "Might as well fight then wait to get turned to into a barbecue." Kid Flash said. They all were willing to fight him, and I joined them. But before I went off to fight, and I went to Raven and said "I still have faith in you Raven, you can do it." and kissed her forehead. Okay, now it's time to fight the Devil!

Raven's POV
I'm scared. He's too strong. I cannot beat my father. I'm just a child, he would defeat me easily. I didn't know what they meant by I could defeat him. All I could do, is meditate.

I began meditating, and suddenly appear on my home world, Azarath. "Rachel." I heard from behind me, and turned to see my mother, Arella. I ran over and hugged her tight "Rachel, I know you're scared of him." she started and kneeled down to my height "But you can still beat him. He may of taken your demonic powers away, but you still have your natural powers. My daughter, the scholars of Azarath have taught you to mask your emotions, and now I say let them free." my mother said, and I nodded "I am so proud of you, Rachel." she stated and hugged me tight "It's time. Chant with me to release your powers." she said, and I nodded. She out her hand on my head and we both said "Azarath Metrion Zinothos." and I bright surrounded us both, and I awoke.

My eyes glowed white, I'm 18 again, and I'm ready. I floated up in the air to see this new group along with Beast Boy fighting my father. I looked down at my hand, soaking up my newly discovered powers, and sent a blast at my father. It hit, and he fell back roaring in pain. I floated towards him, and blasted him repeatedly "You tortured my life! You made me hide who I am! I am suppose to be your daughter, yet you treated me like a slave! Damned to do your bidding! No more Trigon! 18 years of torture stops now!" I exclaimed while blasting him with all my power. I began chanting the seal again, and then ended with "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" and white surrounded his devilish body and began getting sucked into a void, until he was gone. The world then began reverting back to normal, the Titans were released from the pocket dimension, and I am now free of my father's wrath.

I floated down, and took my hpod off to face my friends. They all ran towards me and hugged me tight, and I hugged them back "I'm diggin' that long hair Raven!" Beast Boy complimented, and I laughed. He seemed shock that I laughed at one of his jokes, I don't blame him. They have never seen this new, more bright side of me. In all honesty, I've never seen this side of me. Being forced to hide your emotions all my life, I don't know anything I like or dislike. But with my father gone, I finally get to explore who I am. The real me.

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