Earth Standards

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Beast Boy's POV
Been a couple days at the tower, and it's been awesome! Cyborg set up a gaming system in the living room and we've been playing Street Fighter all day! Of course, I keep kicking his robot butt in it! Well, sometimes. "Ha! I kicked your green butt yet again! That's my 20 to your 3." he boasted. Okay maybe I'm not that good at this game. What'd you expect I spent my time beating up cliché bad guys with the Doom Patrol! All of a sudden, a loud alarm with a red flashing like came on "Um what's that?" I asked, very confused on what's going on while the other Titans came to the living room with me and Cyborg. "That's the alarm I told Cyborg to install just in case any emergencies happen, and ones happening right now." Dick said with the others Teen Titans walking behind him. He pulled up the map of San Francisco and there was a glowing red dot on the north side of the city. He zoomed in to see a bank being robbed "Downloading the coordinates. Let's go!" Cyborg exclaimed "Sorry, no costume so can't go for now. I'll try to think of some new thing while you guys are out." Dick explained, and we nodded and left to kick some bad guy butt!

Starfire POV
We made it to this "bank" the Earthlings call it. "Yo!" Cyborg exclaimed and the thugs looked at him "Either put the money back or get ready for a cybernetic beat down!" Cyborg shouted, and the thugs took their weaponry out, we must attack now! They shot at us, but Raven put up a shield to block the bullets. Beast Boy jumped over the shield and transformed into a monkey and attached to a thug's face and slammed his head on the wall, knocking him out. Raven floated towards two bad guys "Let's kill this freak!" one man said and they both aimed their guns at her, but a black aura surrounded the gun and they floated away from them "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven exclaimed and black aura surrounded the bad guys and they slammed into each other, knocking each other out. Cyborg stood in front of guy as they were shooting at him, but the bullets bounced off him "Good job guys, but now it's my turn!" Cyborg said and pointed his finger at them, and the tips of his finger opened and shot and rubber pellet at their heads, also knocking them unconscious. The last one started to run "I got him!" I exclaimed and shot my blast straight through his chest, completely neutralizing the target. We did it! I turned around to celebrate, while the others Titans looked completely shocked and I could only say "What's wrong with everyone?"

Nightwing POV
I never thought thinking of a superhero name would be so hard! I'm starting to think I should of stuck with Robin instead of just giving the mantle right to Jason. Anyway, the others Titans came in, but for some reason they did not look so happy "Hey guys. How was the mission?" I asked "Fine, until Star blasted a whole in the bad guy's chest!" Raven said calmly, but I heard the aggression in her voice. In shocked, I looked at Starfire "Is this true Star?" I asked "I had to stop him from getting away!" Starfire defended "Starfire, on Earth we can't just kill a criminal. That's not the right thing to do." I told her, and tears started streaming down her eyes, and I held her saying "It'll be okay Star, it'll be okay."

I think the others have to realize that she's still an alien. She doesn't know the rules we abide by here, so we have to teach her. So that next time, some poor idiot doesn't have to lose his life over the mistake he's making.

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