A New Team

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Nightwing's POV
I climbed a building to get to where this girl was hiding. For some reason these guys are chasing her, so it's time to be a hero for once. I got up there and saw her, but she did not look happy seeing me. She screamed at me in an unknown language and started walking towards me with her hands glowing green "Whoa wait! I'm here to help you!" I exclaimed, but she kept walking towards me. She then grabbed my shirt, pulled me forward, and kissed me! My face went crimison red! What is she doing!? She then pushed me on the ground and said "If you wish to fight with me, then stand your ground like a warrior! They are coming for me." and I didn't move. I was still stun from that kiss. Those soft lips....what am I doing!? I need to focus! The aliens arrived, and me and the alien got into our fighting stance. Time to fight!

Starfire's POV
Me and this Earthling began fighting together. He is very skilled, but seems very unfocused. I blasted each and every one of those scum glorbags (Tamaranean Insult) while the Earthling took them down with high Glorcon training, I believe they call it martial arts on Earth. "Fight Earthling, fight!" I exclaimed while mericlessly beating all of them "There's too many. We're surrounded!" the Earthling shouted and our backs hit one another. He is right, we are surrounded. But suddenly, I heard the words "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" and a black aura formed around them all and they all scattered and fell to the ground. Me and the Earthling looked to our sides to see a a female with a dark purple robe, looking very mysterious. But, I will put these thoughts aside seeing that she has just made me free.

Beast Boy's POV
Me and the big dude were kicking major butt! World Star! Alien beat down baby! There were more aliens in the ship, but then we got reinforcement in the spiky hair dude, the alien redhead, and some new goth, really cute looking girl. We squad deep! The alien dudes then yelled something and went back into their ship, and flew away as quick as possible. Did they just give up? We won! Haha!!! Yes!!! Humans one point, aliens zero!

The five of us then turned to each other. "I thank you all for your brave sacrifice in helping me become free. In exchange, I shall assist you in any way possible." the alien redhead said and smiled "Cool! But, we don't even know what to call you." I said "My name is Koriand'r of Tamaran, but my name in Earth languages is pronounced, Starfire." she announced and the spiky hair guy walked up to her and said "Welcome to Earth." "So what do we even call ourselves? The Kid Justice League?" the big dude asked, and in a ultra cool fashion, the spiky hair dude called us "The Teen Titans."

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