Date Night

249 16 4

Beast Boy's POV
Tonight is the night! Tonight's the night I ask Terra to be my girlfriend. After a month after defeating the Titans East, plus it being New Years Eve, it is the perfect time! We are going to an amusement park, hopefully everything works out!

We left to the amusement park and did so many awesome and cool things! We road rollercoasters, won prizes, and much more. Now, we are on the ferris wheel waiting for midnight to strike. "You know Beast Boy, ever since I joined this team you've made me feel special." Terra exclaimed with a beautiful smile "You deserve it. You're so nice and an amazing person to be around. And the most hardcore!" I said and we both laughed as we hear the countdown. "10...9...8..7" we heard and looked at each other "...6...5...4" and she put her hand on mine "...3...2" she leaned in and so did I "...1!" and we kissed. Finally!!! The fireworks went off in the background, making this the best New Years ever! Chalk another one up for me!

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