A New Hero

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Cybrog's POV
We may have didn't like Rose very much, but we knew that what Dick did was too far. I know he didn't mean to do it, but damn that looked vicious! We looked for her for days, but no sign of her. Until, Nightwing used his detective skills to get info from some gangbangers on the street. Rose was last spotted in an abandoned apartment a couple hours ago. I'm alerting the Titans the location, so let's go!

Starfire's POV
Dick has felt very horrible for what he had done to Rose, so finding her and making peace with her is the only way for this feeling to leave his heart. We arrived at the apartment, and went inside looking around. "Be careful, we don't know how steady this building is." Nightwing said, and a familiar voice exclaimed "Thats the least of your worries Nightwing." We all looked up to our surprise and displeasure, to see Deathstroke "Slade!" Nightwing exclaimed in pure rage while Deathstroke snickered "Not just me." he said, and his Titans East members started piling in the room. Duela Dent, Mammoth, and a woman with a similar outfit and suit as Deathstroke. She had long white hair hanging out the back though, is that Rose!? "This is Ravager, my very skilled daughter. Titans East, show them what you can do." Deathstroke exclaimed, and they all jumped down. We must prepare to fight!

Beast Boy's POV
We all started fighting like this was 300! Starfire took on Ravager, the traitor! Nightwing obviously took on Deathstroke, rivalry renewed yet again. And me and Cyborg (BBorg!!!) took on Duela and Mammoth. We all took them on, but what we didn't expect all of us to be equal. This fight was not going to end anytime soon. But then, an earthquake starts going on and we all fall on our butts. Then, a woman crashed threw the wall, floating on a rock, and looks so beautiful! Blonde hair, black shirt, short shorts, and gorgeous blue eyes! Its like I'm looking at an angel dude! She then floated all of us out of the building via rock service. Its like we back in the Flintstones. She then collapsed the apartment with Titans East members in it! So hardcore! Whoever she is, she's on our side. Sweet!

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