The Calling.

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AN- I so was supposed to upload this earlier today, but I was very busy! I'm so sorry! So, this is like the rising action! Stuff is happening! Are you excited? I am! So here is "The Calling"! I want to have the next part up by Saturday or Sunday, Most likely, Sunday because I have to perform my solo on Saturday, but maybe Saturday! Idk! OKAY. ONWARDS.

Leia sat there ...stunned at what she just heard. She couldn't comprehend it...she couldn't grasp it...
(Y/n) loves Ben...

" him?"
(Y/n) slowly nodded, letting out a deep exhale.
"Yeah. I don't know how I started...I don't know why..." (Y/n) slowly slid to lean on the table. "All I know is that, there was something there pulling me toward him. There was an undeniable ... Thing there..!"
She stared at the general, her face still wore complete surprised expression.
"How'd this happen? What happened on that ship?"
"I can't remember much...but,"
(Y/n) cleared her throat before proceeding. "I woke up strapped to a chair. From that moment, I knew I was gonna die there. I feared Kylo so much and I thought he was lost and too corrupt. He didn't spare Han...he wouldn't Spare me... But then, when I went face to face with him, it was different. There was something about his looks that made me drawn to him. There's a hint of light in him I can tell, but darkness has overthrown him..."

The General raised a brow at this. Her young one. Someone she raised as her own, had an attraction to her rogue son.
"H-he then tried to enter my mind. I thought it was all over...darkness was in my head and I was defenseless...but then, something else came in my head...a light."
(Y/n) let out a small, annoyed groan as her head began to pound again. Her fingers began to tremble as she brought them up to rub her temples.

"You okay?" Leia asked in a gentle tone. (Y/n) nodded at her.
"Yeah... Just thinking about it still gives me headaches. But Leia, I think that light was the Force! It scared him! It truly did scare him."

"Ben's been so in the dark... How scared was he?" Leia quirked a brow at (y/n). She couldn't imagine him scared...She couldn't imagine his face anymore. Leia still remembers when she heard about her son becoming corrupt. It shattered her heart that the most important person in her world, was gone. It's all because of one person..

Snoke. Snoke took him from Han and her. Their only child. Leia still saw good in Ben. There was still light in him. He just needed guiding.
Han tried. Her late husband tried and it still breaks her heart knowing what Ben did. She felt it within the force. The pain...the disturbance. It's not the first time something tragic has happened in her life. Alderaan, the truth behind her family, Ben turning , loosing touch with Luke and now Han.
Overwhelmed by her thoughts, Leia covered her face in her hands.
"L-Leia? Are you alright?"
This triggered a sudden emotion of worry.
Whoa, What's going on with her?

Leia rubbed her eyes. "I want my son back." She spoke in a low, cracked tone.
When she removed her hands from her eyes, they were slightly pink and puffy.
"I lost Han because of it. Because I wanted him back..."
(Y/n) shook her head and rose from her seat. "You know that's not true. Han wanted Ben back to. He knew what he was doing. And I know, Leia...I know that Ben regrets what he did. That's how I know there is still good in him."

Leia's eyes that were filled with sorrow diminished as they lit up.
A small grin appeared on her face.
"You've changed Ben in a way. I understand that, and now, we can use that."
(Y/n) walked over to Leia and kneeled next to her. "What do you mean?"
She suddenly slid her hands to (y/n)'s, grasping them gently.
"Do you truly love him?"
She nodded.
"Then, there is hope. Han certainly did do something to him. Now you can. If you're even, in the slightest, in tune with the force, then you must see him...I raised Ben. I everything about" Her eyes trailed off, the sentence she was speaking lost its way.
"Anyways, we need you to be in control of this. It's very overwhelming for you to try and control it with no way of knowing how. You'll need a teacher."

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