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|| Hi younglings! Long time no see! I was gone again and I'm sincerely sorry. I finally have this chapter up and I'm excited for you to read it!! It's leading to action & I love it.
Quick reminder that I have a new Cassian Andor fic in the works and the first chapter is out! Please go give that a read and favorite. I wrote this chapter very different because Adam Driver stated Kylo deals with humanity. I want to incorporate film ideas into this plot so this chapter is heavily centered on Kylo. Anyways, I ramble. I hope to be back soon &I love you all! It's 1:25 AM, RIP ME.

Kylo's heart was struck with fear. It was emulating off him like a stench. The Supreme Leader was very aware of this; he hated it. His apprentice was loosing his loyalty to the darkside. No matter how hard Kylo tried to get those thoughts of redemption out of his mind, they just came flowing back to him.

"Why?" He asked himself.
The man was in his private corridors, pacing in a circular motion around the room. "I can't go, no. I can't!"
Kylo was frustrated at everything. He was frustrated with The First Order, The Resistance and The Supreme Leader. But most of all, he was frustrated at himself.

Why did he do the things he did?
He succumbed to Snoke's callings after years of torment. Ever since he was a child he was never stuck with his own thoughts. Snoke was always there. Always with him. When he finally turned there was something about the dark side that fulfilled the empty void within him.

The killing was a different story. Killing all the people he once associated with shouldn't have phased him; but it did. He was power hungry and would annihilate any problem that stood in his way. But, everyone has demons.

The students he killed always managed to haunt his nightmares. Their throat ripping screams tortured him for the years to come. Eventually, after much focus, he wouldn't be phased by them anymore. They would be insignificant in his mind. Maybe he was a heartless monster after all.

But the murders didn't stop there. No no, that'd be too little for the commander. The students were no different than Lor San Tekka, no different than his own father.
Kylo stopped pacing in that moment, shutting his eyes at the memory. His hostile feelings toward The Smuggler ultimately lead to his demise.

Come home.

One of the last things Han Solo ever spoke to him. Those were triggering words. Home? Kylo had no home; only darkness. It was his drive. It was his greatest power and his weakest flaw.

Lor San Tekka was a threat, Kylo had to eradicate him. That old man was of the past, but the rest of the Village? Kylo mumbled a "Did I really have to do that?" to himself. He immediately responded with a head shake.
"I had to do that. They were witnesses. I had to strike them with fear."
He had to kill them. A part of him wanted to kill them; was it really worth it?

Is any of this worth it?
That little voice of reason always made it's way into his mind. He knew there was once a place in the light for him. He knew that was long ago; it was just too late to go back now.
Kylo dragged his body to the large window in his corridor and stared at the stars. They never shined so brightly; it managed to calm his nerves down for a moment.
He caught a glance at his reflection. His mask was elsewhere in the room, along with his regular attire. Kylo wore his black pants and a simple black shirt. The scar that ran down his face always seemed to frighten him. His fists clenched at the memory.

'That Scavenger got the upper hand. If it wasn't for that traitor-'

Those hateful thoughts were lingering in the back of his mind since that day. Kylo had to admit it, he was a coldblooded, cruel, hateful and angry man. He was a murder who feared himself. He feared everything. He was afraid.


The sun was already down, only a glimmer of light could be seen through the various shades of dark blue and black that painted the sky. The two moons the planet harbors were glowing in an almost blinding way.
Rey and Finn weren't back yet. This worried the hell out of (y/n). She was pacing around the front of the base. Lightsaber was resting on the floor with her bag. Back and fourth and back and fourth.
The breeze of the grass would make a crackle, always bringing up her hopes that it was the duo back from the journey. It always played her. Barriss in the fields nearby, picking out the little food that had grown.

How that woman survived here is beyond me...
(Y/n) thought whilst watching her.
Despite (y/n) being new and unfamiliar within The Force, there was a bond between the entity and herself. A bond that was strong. A bond that was giving her all the signs that bad things were going to happen. And they were going to happen soon.

"(Y/n)." Barriss called out faintly. Her head turned slowly to her.
"What?" She nearly snapped. A slight glare crawled onto her features. Barriss smirked.
"It's been awhile since the other two have returned. You think they're alright?" There was cynicism dripping from her tone. It was easy to tell she was nearly done playing her little game. She didn't care about Finn or Rey. What was her motive?
(Y/n) bit her tongue, her eyes were shooting daggers at the woman who stood before her.
An unsettling silence rested in the air, the faint breeze could only be heard.

"Is it really a good thing to bring back The Jedi?"

(Y/n) shifted her gaze to her lightsaber, which was still resting on the floor where she last left it. She should have grabbed it, but it was too late. She couldn't afford to be unarmed. Not now.
Her eyes shifted back to Barriss' figure. The alien's posture was different, she was looking up, staring straight at the bright moon.

"Well?" She grew impatient, which only angered you more.
"The Jedi are good. It's light."
Barriss smirked. "Really? And how are you to know?" Her voice was dripping with darkness. It was low and cracked. She wasn't an elderly, creepy woman in that moment. Barriss changed.
"How are you to know the unfair ways of The Jedi? All they manage to bring is war and death."
"You're a delusional woman." (Y/n)'s face narrowed. "Personal complications with The Counsel eh?" She mocked, remembering that night by the fire. Barriss lie was obvious. Now it was slowly coming together.

"They only bring war...The Darkside. It is the future."
She sounded like Kylo Ren, The Darkside couldn't afford to be in control of The Galaxy's future.

"The Darkside is corrupt." (Y/n) abruptly answered.

Barriss was silent for a moment. Her head turned from the moon to the floor. Her lips parted only slightly. "I can show you."

"What?" (Y/n) responded, confused to her proposition.
"The darkside! I can teach you! I cannot let the ways of the dark-The Sith die!"
Her voice raised to a different octave. She sounded like a maniac. A cold chill was shot down (Y/n)'s spine. It was unsettling, the woman was sounding like a lunatic. And much to (Y/n)'s surprise, she was scared.

" don't fight for the dark. I fight for the light!" A low chuckle escaped Barriss lips.

"You never cease to surprise me girl." Her orbs were yellow and they were shooting daggers at (Y/n).

"You're naive to the ways of The Force."

(Y/n) scoffed. "You're no better than me. We are going to restore The Galaxy."
What (Y/n) said is what she truly believed. She'd seen the worst people who corrupted The Galaxy, and those who've restored it. Now that it was back to ruins, she had to do something. Master Luke, Rey, Finn and herself were the beginning of the end for The First Order.

"You are going to bring war!" Barriss yelled. "And if that is the case, you must know, I can't let you live!"

And with those words, (Y/n)'s body seemed to freeze at the sight of Barriss; who rewarded her with a growl as she charged toward her.

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