In Harm's Way.

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Guys! I'm back! If you read my Poe x Reader oneshot, I've explained why I was gone. It was just a bunch of personal stuff and I'd like to make way back here on Wattpad! Writers block has left and I'm so happy! I hope you enjoy this chapter, many more to come! Onwards Younglings!

ALSO: 2K views. I cannot thank you more for this. I'm glad you're sticking this out with me! -TheLastPadawan

Footsteps could be heard sprinting through the industrial center on the planet Eriadu. A group of Resistance soldiers broke crowds of civilians as they ran. First Order troopers right on their trail.

"Keep running!" Bastian yelled at his teammates. After the destruction of the base on D'Qar, Bastain and most of his squadron, all except Poe, took refuge on Eriadu, hiding in the mines.

The people of Eriadu didn't mind resistance soldiers hiding there, but when the First Order came, it was now a dangerous place to be. The squadron hid their ships in the rural parts of Eriadu. Bastian's objective was to get to the ships.

Thank the Force Nien left to go see if they were still there.

"Bastian, where do we go?!" One of the Squad members called out.
"Let's just get out of the industrial center, then we'll meet up with Nien-" He was interrupted by the sudden scream in the crowd a couple of feet in front of them. A swarm began to push them back.
"Bastian what is it?" He heard another call of the squad members, through all the screaming and commotion.
Bastian didn't know what was going on and snapped his head behind him when the a civilian began to yell.

"Thermal detonator! Thermal detonator!"
That warning was too late for them.

The detonator went off sending the bodies of workers and the squadron flying. Bastian strayed from the rest.
He rubbed his head from the throw. His fingers came in contact with a liquid. A deep cut went through his scalp, blood dripped down his face.

"Damn..." His eyes moved to where he once was. There were many bodies just limp, some people still ran by. You could hear some cries and groans. Bastian saw most of his squadrons bodies limp on the ground.
His eyes widened at the sight. The detonator was obviously thrown by First Order troopers. As they neared, they didn't see him away from the group. He pushed himself to a couple of metal crates that were near.
Hiding behind them, he peeked over at the stormtroopers who were now examining the bodies.
"All seemed to have been struck by the detonator." One spoke, kicking the shoe of a squad members body.
"All seemed to have been-" The conversation they carried was interrupted by the cough of a female squad member. Bastian's eyes widened at the sight. Her face was in his direction. He had a perfect sight of the scene.

She's alive..

He began to pull his blaster out, but her tired, hazy eyes met with his. He didn't think she could see him, but her look told him everything. It was crystal clear that he had to leave.

"We have a live one." A Stormtrooper towers over her. She only looked up at the trooper, hatred burned in those hazy eyes.
"What do we do?" He asked pointing his blasted at her.
"She's half dead already. Just get it over with. The General wants us back soon."
Bastian couldn't watch no longer. He silently began to make his escape from the industrial area to the rural parts of the planet. He needed to get to Nien. He needed to search for Leia.
As he dashed away, he wished his hearing had been taken away, because the loud throat-ripping shriek followed by the blaster shot made his ears ring in pain.

It was a haunting sight. Debris of the battle that happened so long ago. The strays of ruined trees were seen all over. Kylo inhaled largely, letting it out soon after. He seemed to have walked for miles into the forest that once was. He swore he could still hear the calls of Ewoks and the creatures that once inhabited Endor..
Every step he took crackled through the forest. He kept walking until something told him to stop. When he halted, his eyes scoped the place. It seemed like everything he passed was such a blur. Kylo was now standing with some remains of the second Death Star.
It was enough that he had his grandfathers mask. It was resting in the ashes of all his enemies back with The First Order.
He let out a deep sigh.
"Anakin..." he mumbled to himself, unknowingly."Grandfather... What am I doing?"
What am I doing...what am I doing....?
He asked himself sounding like a broken record.
He suddenly felt like he wasn't alone on this planet. There was another presence with him.
Slowly Kylo turned around to the presence. His eyes widened at the sight before him.
"Grandfather.." He gasped.
Anakin Skywalker's ghost eyed him in such a way, he didn't dare look away.
"Ben," he spoke. "What's become of you?"
Anakin was in his younger form. His long locks out of his face. The scar he once sported was still on his eye. Same Anakin, just in ghost form.
"I-I don't know." He stared at him in awe. "I've lost my way. And now I can't get back."
Anakin inched closer to Kylo. "You can. It's not too late."
Kylo shook his head hastily. "Oh but it is-"
"Ben. Don't make my mistakes. I thought the same. Don't end up like me. Don't make the same mistakes I did...please." The sorrow could be seen in Anakin's blue orbs. All the regrets he had. Everything he wished he could fix. He could've realized...
"How can go back? I'm stuck here...on the dark side. How can I be apart of the light again when all I did was slaughter their people?" Kylo asked desperately. He stared into his grandfathers eyes, pleading for an answer.
"All your friends, your family...They'll understand, just get away from the dark side. From Snoke."
Anakin gave him a reassuring nod. Kylo just stared.

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