Beyond the Wilds.

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AN-One day late. I'm sorry and I love you all. School is hectic and yada and I finally updated this story. Hope you all enjoy and I will DEFINITELY see you lovely faces later! Next chapter is kinda sloppy,but it builds up to greatness. Go easy on me . Love you! ONWARDS.-TheLastPadawan

Wake up...


Wake. Up.

(Y/n)'s head snapped up. Much to her discomfort, she found herself still on the floor of Leia's transport. She gently rubbed her head to have blood smeared across her face. There was many scratches on her cheeks and forehead. A low hiss emerged from (y/n)'s lips.

How am I alive? What happened?
Her hazy vision tried to focus on her surroundings. She saw Finn lying a few feet away.
"Finn..." She managed to mutter out through a hoarse tone. With all her strength, she slowly began to crawl over to him.
"Finn...!" She repeated. A tight grasp was on his shoulder. (Y/n) shook it harshly, trying to awaken him.

Her began to shift in his slumber.
Nodding, she grabbed the handle to help herself get back on her feet. It was odd. Last, she could've sworn that they were spinning out of control. Now, the ship was leveled and crash landed.

(Y/n) offered a hand to Finn.
"Rey...? Poe...?" Finn panted out, boosting himself up.
They walked up to the cockpit to see a groaning Rey and Poe.
Rey had minimal wounds to her. Scratches all over her visible body parts. Finn immediately began to help her out of the co-pilot chair. (Y/n) followed this and started to unbuckle Poe.

"(Y/n)...?" He mumbled out, a single cough following. "Yeah, it's me." She reassured him. His buckle was difficult to undo, but gave out after a second of jiggling it.
Finn was already making his way out with Rey by his side. (Y/n) placed Poe's arm around her shoulders and held onto his side. He let out a low groan.
"I know, I know." She whispered. Her head throbbed with every sudden movement. It was a struggle to keep herself and Poe up, but she had a surprising amount of strength within her.

Safely, they all made it out of the fallen ship. It's wing's were broken and it's engine took a great amount of damage.
"Her ship...It's ruined..." (Y/n) murmured. Poe continued to rest on her. A sigh could be heard from Rey.
"What're we going to do? How're we going to touch base with General Leia?"

"I don't think the circuits inside are in good condition either." Poe groaned. "Look's like we're stuck here."

"Uhm, where is 'here'?" (Y/n) glanced at Poe, who shrugged in response.
Everyone was silent, they had no idea where they were. What is this place?
Analyzing her surroundings, (y/n) saw this planet was rural. Long strands of grass surrounded them. The sky was a dull orange as it turned into afternoon. Seems like we're on the Outer Rim...
"We're still in the Outer Rim's of the Galaxy."

"Well, we're in even deeper now that we've lost track of General Leia and Luke." Rey sighed.

"We'll find a way to get in contact with them. For now, let's try finding shelter. Night is going to come soon." Poe had a mindset. He knew what to do when you're stranded and lost. It isn't exactly the first time this has happened.

(Y/n) nodded in agreement before promptly walking off with Poe still resting on her. Finn and Rey began to follow them in hopes of getting out of this one.

"Where's they go? I thought they would've gotten away from The First Order.." Leia said with worry. Chewy had scanned for signal of her shuttle. Much to her discomfort, it couldn't be found.

Oh Force, please be okay.

"We have to go find them. Chewy, where'd you see them crash land?" The worry in her voice couldn't be calmed. Her group of hope had just vanished. The worst part is, she didn't know where to start.

"General, it was a few systems back. We'd waste time-" C3PO had started but was quickly interrupted by a frantic Leia.
"It's no waste. C'mon Chewy, go back to the Outer Rim." Being loyal as he was, Chewy immediately began to turn the ship back, hitting it into hyper speed.

It had been nearly nighttime and they hadn't made any progress in finding shelter anywhere.
Needless to say, they were all deprived of water me food. Their throats were dry and raspy when they tried to speak. They had been walking for so long, their legs felt loose and frail. The heat had gotten to them for the hours they spent walking in the sun. Even Rey, the one who had lived on a desert planet her whole life, had felt pain.

So tired..
(Y/n)'s aching legs screamed for rest, but she wouldn't stop. Not until they found somewhere safe and sound. Her vision was blurry, gazing out every couple of moments. Suddenly, the moonlight's glare blinded her for a split second.
She saw a a bunch of glass shards, leading to an old base. It was obvious the place was beyond decades old. The small headquarter was a bronze rusted color, decaying with every moment.

"Hey," (Y/n) said, awakening herself and her comrades. "Look. A base..?" She breathed on disbelief.
Poe's head perked up. "A base?" He repeated in the same tone.
"A rather old base." Rey kicked a pile of glass shards. "Wonder what happened here.."

"It's decades old most likely. Let's see if there's something useful around." Poe instructed and entered the base. The three didn't disagree and followed him through the door.

"I'm already getting a... off feeling from this place." I don't like it at all.." (Y/n) had whispered to herself.
The sudden rustle of shattered glass interrupted her thoughts. Everyone spun around to see a unsalable-figure standing in the to the place.
"Who are you kids?" The voice called out. It definitely was a older 'she'.
"I'm sorry. We thought this place wasn't taken. We're sorry for intruding and will be out of your-"
"No, no. There's no need to leave so suddenly." The woman stepped out where she could be seen. "I can help."

Those feelings of distrust hadn't come back since upon first meeting Kylo Ren. Oh no, I do not like this at all.
AN-Liked the sloppy-ness of this chapter. You all are great and I hope to see you all soon! Comment below let me know! Talk to me! Until nextime Younglings!

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