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"After all that, then the super weapon; The Star Destroyer was blown up." Rey said with some food in her mouth. Barriss had been nice enough to serve them food and water. Despite it being late, they all managed to make time to eat. "So now that we found what who were looking for-"
"Luke Skywalker? Right?" Barriss cut in. Just by the small question, she seemed more interested in this than the whole tale. Rey and Finn nodded.
"Son of Anakin Skywalker?" Barriss questioned once more. They nodded. "We used to be great allies you know."
Rey lifted a brow, "Really?"
"Long ago, During the Clone Wars." A faint smile appeared on her lips. "His padawan was a dear friend of mine..." The smile she wore for a split second began to narrow into slight disgust. In the moment, (y/n) seemed to be the only one to catch this. What was that about?
"Anyways," She shook her head and put on a gentle smile. "I had left the order due to some...complications with The Counsel."

It was fairly easy to sense the lie she had been coming up with. At least, (Y/n) could tell. Her breathing had elevated, she avoided eye contact by constantly looking at the floor. It was chilling. Who is Barriss? Who was she? And what's her game?
"What's was wrong with The Counsel?"
"They uhmmm... they never granted me the position of Knight. I guess The Force had a different path for me so...I left."
A smile tugged at the end of her mouth. "After a couple of years of finding myself, I found myself here on Dantooine."
"How was it being a Jedi?" Rey asked.
"It was conflicting, but they did good. I was only there until I was a teen. I never got to grow old in The Order. I never got to have a Padawan of my own or teach younglings."
"Well," Finn said, taking a quick glance at Rey before turning his attention back to Barriss.
"Our Master is going to teach again once this is all over."
Rey smiled. "You can come with us. We need people like you Barriss."
She took in a deep breath, the Mirialan's face lit up. "Really? You would welcome me to something big like that?"
The duo nodded.
"Thank you-Oh The Force-Thank you!"

(Y/n) had been listening to the conversation while quietly eating. Even then, she hardly touched her plate.
"(Y/n) are you alright?" Poe whispered.
"Yes. No. I-I don't know. I'm getting really bad vibes from Barriss." She replied, matching his whisper.
"I think that's a bit extreme."
"Poe, How can we trust her?"
His doughy brown eyes met her (e/c) orbs. He sent her a reassuring nod.
"Nothing bad will happen. If someone wanted to hurt us by now, they would have stricken by now . She's no different than the civilians we help."

A part of (y/n) believed that was true. Many etchy people were on this planet and Barriss was one of them. She also seemed broken and lost. She searched for a saving grace and maybe, just maybe they were it. (Y/n) also hated admitting her wrongs.
"...You're right." Her arms crossed into a pout. "Maybe I'm just...'over-exaggerating'."
Poe opened his mouth to come out with a remark, but was interrupted before he could finish the thought.
"Shut it Dameron." She chuckled.
"I hope you all enjoyed the dinner. It's not much. It's all I have."
"No. It was perfectly fine Barriss." Poe said.
"I'm glad you all enjoyed it." She let out a yawn. "I think it's time we sleep. I'm prepared to help you guys get safely back on track."

Even with the talk she had earlier, (Y/n) Couldn't shake the feeling that Barriss was up to something. All through the night, while she lied on the cold floor, only a blanket to be her company, (Y/n) didn't shut her eye once.

Please, let me be wrong about these feelings.
New chapter tomorrow! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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