A Voice In The Wind.

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AN-Hey! I'm back! Not dead! Just busy! I recently went to competition and we got a division one! (Extremely good!!) im so happy and I'm back at it again with the updates! I'm sorry for such a wait but as of now, this story as 911 views! THANK YOU. You guys are great and I remember how crazy it was when I got only 11 people to read this! It was. Struggle, but we make do! If there's a will, there's a way! I'll see you all again on here next week! (Lol, it should be updated within 4 days!) also, go check out Undesired Sentiment! Thanks again Younglings! ONWARDS.

A week had passed since the group met up with Rey and Luke. Training with the three had begun. Rey was a natural force user. She has been training with Like for quite some while. Everyone knew she would be the one to take down The First Order. She was the one to bring balance.
Even if Finn didn't believe it, the force was pretty strong with him. There was something different about him. He now saw it, just as Kylo saw it on
Jakku. He remembered the stare they shared. Kylo knew it even before him. He was wearing his mask, so was Kylo and still, he could feel the intensity. He truly does want to stop the First Order and help Rey fight.

(Y/n) never saw herself as a jedi. She only ever saw herself as a Resistance solider. That's what she was. All she knew how to do was fly and shoot. This was all new to her and she surprisingly was a great force user. This didn't come as a great of a surprise to everyone. She was always good at what she did. Flying came as an easy task, as well as shooting.
Training with Luke wasn't bad. It was all a matter of peace and quiet. They often just, held things with the Force, learned the ways of the Force.

It was days like today, that went by slow. It was cloudy on Ahch-To. The waves were calm. The droids and Chewie would often be in the Falcon conversing, attempting to play Pazaak. Chewie struggles with staying happy. He loves to be around Leia and everyone. He just misses Han. Leia was struck with sorrow. She lost her husband at the hands of her son, but Chewie lost a brother right in front of his eyes. The only way he is closer to his late friend, is through the Falcon.

Due to Ahch-To being in a different system, Poe and Leia couldn't get contact with any Resistance soldiers. It worried the two. After the New Republic was destroyed, it ruined any chance of more help. Poe would usually spend his time trying to expand the ships' radio and observe in on the teachings. She wasn't close to the force in the way Luke was, but she knew it. She often observed (y/n). She was her only hope.

All throughout the first week (y/n) stayed there, she was the early bird.
Most days, she would run in a little amount of sleep and wake up right before the sun rose. Every day, she would greet the sky as it would rise.
This specific morning, it was a peaceful quiet. Only the sound of the waves could be heard. It was still dark in early morning. So, (Y/n) began to look at the stars above her.
All this is so new to me...all of it is so bizarre.
She thought.
Her eyes narrowed to a nearby rock. She remembered how the previous day she had no struggle carrying a rock with the force, but a boulder was harder. One thing she couldn't do was meditation. It was just to calm of a state for her. She remembered getting frustrated from the act and walking out on it all together.
(Y/n) remembered Luke calling out to her, but she only shook her head. Finn and Rey only watched her walk away. Maybe they thought she was restless and couldn't do it...Maybe they thought she was struggling to sit still.
No, that was simply a regular thing that most people would go through. This was different. Every time her eyes closed she saw a member of the resistance dead on the ground. She would open them, then close them again to see blasters pierce the body's of many. Her breathing would become rapid and she would see the ignition of a red lightsaber and that's when she drew the line and got up.
It seemed that every time she tried to meditate, such things would appear in her head.
(Y/n) got flustered within the moment. Unknowingly, she made the rock fly off the island.

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