The Guide.

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Finishing off that cliffhanger! So. We take a turn in This chapter! So excited! How's your guys' summer going? Mine is pretty boring but relaxing! I hope you all are enjoying the story. I wanna let you guy's know that I made a Marvel Wattpad Account! You guy's are my Star Wars fandom and I didn't want to mix them, so I did that. I don't have a story up their yet, but I will soon. THIS STORY WILL STAY TOP PRIORITY. I must say that. "Guest" is what brought me all of you guys and I would never abandon you! Love you guys too much. So, If you are a fellow Marvel fan, please go follow. It would mean a lot.
"What?" Luke asked in confusion.
"The First Order." Leia came out. "They found some of our troops."
Instantly, when they saw her, there was much sadness in her eyes. Suffering. Everything she's worked for is slowly crumbling.

"We got a transmission from Nien and Bastian. They're trying to find other Resistance troops and find refuge on a planet out of The First Orders way. " Poe informed. "Right now. Their thinking about a rendezvous on Coruscant."

Coruscant. The Old Republic's
Bastian...he was part of Poe's Black Squadron. Where were the rest?
(Y/n) wanted to ask, but she could tell from the look in his eyes that they were no longer with them.

"We gotta go help." Rey began, "The First Order is getting stronger. We gotta set up a plan."

"Yeah, but how do we get ourselves around the Galaxy before we're shot down." Finn sat up from the booth and crossed his arms. "And we also find a way to get a transmission out to Resistance Soldiers only."

Rey nodded. "He's right. If the First Order has the slightest trace of us, it's all over."

"Alright." Leia raised her hand to a halt. "If we're gonna get to them, we gotta split into different ships."

"Rey, Finn, (Y/n) and I will take your transport and everyone else will stay on this one. The Falcon could loose TIE fighters in an instant."
Leia nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. Let's gather our things before we leave." With that, everyone began to scramble. Rey and Finn ran out to get their belongings and transfer them to Leia's transport.

Luke walked out of the Falcon in a slow manner. His steps were light and he was very quiet.
(Y/n) sensed an unease in him. She watched him walk away. Fear could easily be seen emulating from Luke.
"You feel it too?" Leia walked up next to her. "He's afraid to leave."

(Y/n) shrugged. "I wouldn't blame him. Remember how scared I was when I first came to The Resistance. When I first saw all these new people. I never had a home until I met Poe. Then you guys came along."

Leia looked down at her feet. So much was going on. It felt like she couldn't put things back in order anymore. She couldn't talk to Luke like she use to. Like, she couldn't help him out anymore. She couldn't be the sister she promised to be.
"This has been his home for decades. Now, it's all changing." She murmured quietly.
Placing a hand on Leia's shoulder, (Y/n) nodded reassuringly.
"Let me talk to him. Maybe that'll fix everything."

She wouldn't say it, but Leia was grateful that (y/n) had a good relationship with her master. She was grateful that she wanted to help.
Her frail hand slid over (y/n)'s before she walked off after Luke....Who was out of site.
Out of a bad habit, she rolled her eyes.
(Y/n) ran up the steps to the top of the the hill. It took a while. Considering there were more than 100 steps to it.

Jeez, for an old guy, he's pretty fast...

Once reaching the top, she scoped the area. At first, her eyes skipped the sight of Luke looking over everything in sight.
Jogging up next to him, (y/n) called out to him.
"Master!" She yelled. "Why aren't at ...the ...Falcon...with...the rest...of them...?" (Y/n) said to him between pants. She ran up entire flights of steps and highly regretted it now.

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