A Breath of Fresh Air.

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AN-I'm so sorry that this was so late. I really am studying for a big exam I have and I'm just worried by school! It was hard for me to complete this this week but I did it and I hope next week will be much faster. I'm sorry if it's late again but I promise there will always be an update about what's up! So here is the next chapter and I hope you enjoy! Also, I have a oneshot coming up with next week and the third chapter to my Ben Solo x reader story! If you haven't read it, feel free to check it out and I love you guys! I'm a little past 400 views on this and I thank you! You have all my gratitude! Onwards!

"Is it...is it really a good thing to be doing this...?" Kylo Ren spoke to himself in a quite tone.
He felt that he was struggling with the dark side. He didn't feel like he had that fiery passion to continue what he wanted to finish.

He did make a mistake saying this aloud, Snoke's hologram was in front of him. His blunt face hid the anger that boiled in him. He slowly was loosing his apprentice to the light side. He absolutely could not let that happen.

"Say, my young apprentice, what troubles you?" Snoke asked with no curiosity in his tone. He knew what Kylo was thinking, he just wanted definite answers.
"It's Nothing." Kylo attempted to lie.
"Really?" Snoke replied fathomed because this was the first time he felt a twinge of unloyalty in his apprentice .
Kylo avoided eye contact with his master. He really wished he wore that mask as of right now.
"Yes Master, I'm..." He felt his words falter. They faltered because the next thing he was about to say was an utter lie. "I'm fine."

"It has nothing to do with that girl?"

The tone in Snoke's voice. It was slow and malevolent. This mere sentence brought chills up his spine. Kylo was light skinned as it was, but that color escaped his face.

"What about (y/n)..." He mumbled. "She hasn't been on my mind at all..."
Kylo stared down at the floor, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with Snoke.
"I know you have." Snoke glared at him. "Don't let such feelings betray you."
"I'm not trying to-" Kylo began, But Snoke knew what he was doing. He knew how to get under his skin. Make the guilt eat him from the inside then out.
"That's what caused the demise of Vader. Do you really want to meet his end?"
"No-I just can't-" Once again, Snoke interrupted him.
"Ren, do you really think that your mother would forgive you after what you did to your father."
Kylo felt the remorse run through him. He remembered his dad's last moments. He remembered the face of pain that he wore, not from just being impaled with a lightsaber, but from the hopelessness, that his son may truly be gone.
"...I...I..." He managed to mutter. Kylo was very vulnerable at this point. He remembered being with his dad when he was young. He remembered always asking to fly the Falcon and his reply every single time was a bitter 'No'.

He remembered the day he actually did get to fly the falcon, almost crashing it, but that pile of junk can go through anything.

"And Luke Skywalker. Do you think he'd ever take you back? You ruined his school. You betrayed your family." Snoke spoke in such a dark tone. Kylo just shook his head, flabbergasted at all that was coming to him. He saw his mothers face. She had always loved him, and he knew that. But he could see the sorrow in her the day he left, but she knew that her Ben had a fate to live up to. He envisioned his fathers and his uncles faces. He had done his family wrong, and he believed that he was sworn to the dark side.
Even if it didn't peak his interest anymore. Even if it didn't pull him back every time he tried to ease his way back to the dark side.

"And (y/n), that poor girl, she sees you as nothing more than a mere monster."
Kylo's face narrowed. A glare sprouted
upon his face.
Lies...that is bound to be a lie...

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