Enter The Void

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Authors note at the end. Welcome & Enjoy.

Hands desperately flew up in front of her to avoid the hard impact with Barriss. Small, but strong, Barriss managed to push (Y/n) to the ground below. The pain from the impact stung her elbows and legs. A low hiss escaped her lips.

I gotta get outta here!

With a moments passing, she felt the familiar pain Kylo Ren once forced upon her. Muscles tensed, body was aching and she was suffering once again. (Y/n)'s vessel was slowly brought to face Barriss. What was terrifying about the former jedi was that it didn't even seem like she was breaking a sweat.

"Let...me...go..." (Y/n) muttered, hatred in her tone. Barriss quirked a pitiful smile.

"You're getting ahead of yourself, (Y/n)."

The sound of a blaster being raised would've had (Y/n) looking to see who it was, but she already knew it was help.

"No. Seems like you're getting ahead of yourself." Poe Dameron stood fearlessly, blaster fiercely raised and directed toward Barriss. "I don't want to do this, but if I have to, I will."

Her optics shifted between the two. Obviously, she was in a dilemma. Her free hand shot out. Poe's finger pressed down onto the trigger, but he was too late. He shot back, airborne for a short amount of seconds before landing on the ground.

The tension in (Y/n)'s muscled was released. Her upper body swung down, she was hovered over. It took a lot of strength, but (y/n) managed to stand straight. Her attention turned back to Poe. He wasn't moving.

"Poe?!" She yelled, taking a heavy step toward his direction. She was stopped by the sound of a lightsaber igniting. Light, frail breathe hitched. Steadily, she turned behind her. A long, deep red lightsaber was being directed right at her. Barriss said no word. (Y/n)'s glare deepened. Her energy and focus drifted toward her lightsaber. On command, the trusty weapon landed right in the palm of her hand.

Determination flushed her features. (Y/n) couldn't stray from a fight, not when her life and Poe's depended on it. All the courage that had been building up within was at its peak. The saber ignited, a yellow hue lit up the dark night.

Seeing this as acceptance, Barriss was the one to charge first. Forcefully, she shoved her lightsaber forward. (Y/n) parried and dodged the attack. Barriss seemed to be releasing all her anger and frustration in her attacks. (Y/n)'s doges became slacked and sloppy after awhile, but she wasn't giving up. Despite how heavy her breaths were and how exhausted she seemed to be.

Poe groaned. His body uncomfortably shifted on the floor, eyes slowly fluttering open. He looked around confused and unaware of his surroundings.

An orange hue flashed him. He shot his head to the sound of lightsabers clashing. Brown optics rested on sight of (Y/n) holding her own against Barriss.

(Y/n) swung her saber at Barriss. Their sabers stayed connected, both pushing all their might to each other.

"You are either with me or against me!"

(Y/n) shook her head. Her hands began to tremble. She tightened her grip on the handle of the lightsaber.

"I will not join you!" (Y/n) drew her brows close.

A scowl formed on her features. She took a step forward, thrusting her weight against the trembling grip of (Y/n). Her right grip was lost. No longer ignited, the yellow saber was thrown up in the air and a great distance away from her. (E/c) optics followed its landing.

On the grass! Her head snapped to Barriss only for her cheek to be met with boney knuckles and a sturdy force. Body met with the rough surface below. Barriss toward over (y/n).

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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