Darkness Falls.

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|| Authors note will be added to the end of this chapter because there's a lot that has been going on that caused this mini 3 month hiatus. So, I hope you enjoy this chapter.


"Chewy what's the matter now?" Leia asked through gritted teeth. The Wookiee let out a cry of annoyance; obviously in Shyriiwook.
"Broken? What's broken?" A viscous growl following afterwards.
'Oh this night just keeps gettin' better and better.'

The wookie let out a cry to explain the malfunction. Understandably, Leia was quick to dismiss any bad news. Her mind couldn't bare it. Her hand raised in a gentle attempt to calm Chewbacca down.
"Let's just get a few hours of shut eye then Chewy and The Droids will get parts for this piece of junk while we make way toward that base." Luke could feel her frustration and Leia couldn't do it. Her breaking point was thin. Her hope dangling by the thinnest of strings
"Look's like everything is going to have to be on foot from here on out."
After a night of little to no sleep, (y/n) had woken up later than usual. Poe actually had to give her a gentle shake to pull her from her slumber.
"(Y/n)," He whispered, gently shaking her.
She only stirred and groaned, pushing him away.
"(Y/n)." He said, this time more sternly. "It's time to wake up."
"I heard you the first time." Her hand swiftly pushed him away. "Please tell me I'm in my corridor back on base or in The Falcon."
Please let yesterday only be a dream.
Poe chuckled," Sorry kid, we're still stuck on Dantooine." With an annoyed groan, (y/n) stretched and leaned up from her sleeping area. "So what's the plan for today?" A groggy croak was stuck in her throat.
"We get in contact with someone."
"And how are we going to do that?" She asked, cynicism in her tone. Poe only rolled his eyes.
"Well, Barriss has some tools that we can use to fix the shuttle's transmission. There's still some juice left in her."
(Y/n)'s first thought was negative. Every fiber of her being told her that there was bad here. The situation was no less bad; it was worse. Her heart and mind told her to believe in her friends. To believe in The Force.
They can get us out of here...
A short amount of hours had passed since everyone woke up. They were given food yet again by Barris and decided to start their trip back to the ship. It was the best and only reliable option at this point.

"Finn and I will back to the sight." Rey was packing some tools that Barriss had offered.

"I think it's best if you two stay behind, just in case Master Luke or Leia stumble upon here."
"We should be back before night if we can't get a transmission to send out." Finn added.

"Alright. We'll see what we can do here."
Poe and (y/n) said their goodbye's to the duo. Soon they were on their journey to the wreck.

"You have really nice friends." Barriss complimented.
"Yeah... we do. Those two are pretty much inseparable." (Y/n) responded quietly. Barriss' gaze was locked onto her. It was burning through her. It was chilling and disturbing. She shifted uncomfortably under her gaze; avoiding eye contact.
"You know, I think there's a panel in the back that still has something left in her. The possibilities of it working with some alterations to it are fairly high."
Poe and (y/n) exchanged glances.
"Really? Why didn't you say anything before?" Poe's brown eyes narrowed.
"Oh...some things seem to skip my mind..." She sighed, rubbing her temple. "My age is starting to become a problem for me now..."

A hint of guilt shot through Poe. He didn't mean to degrade the elderly mirialan to any extent. That was just his empathetic side showing though. His suspicion about Barriss was high.

"I'll...go take a look at it." He mumbled quietly leaving Barriss and (y/n) all alone.
(Y/n) was silent. She didn't know how to bring up conversation with Barriss. If she was being honest with herself, she didn't want to start conversation with her. A deafening silence stood between the two. Barriss' gaze was locked on the girl sitting across from her. Though this time, (y/n)'s (e/c) orbs were locked right back on hers.

The silence would occasionally be halted by the sound of Poe working only a few rooms away. A smirk was plastered on Barriss face. Her features curled in all the intimidating ways. She had a dark presence around her. But (y/n) wouldn't falter. This was proof that something was up and (y/n) would not let the woman out of her sights.

"I think I can fix this!" Poe yelled out to (y/n). "It's not too far gone!"
With a hitched breath, She simply nodded. Barriss was nervous; she was angry. Her breathing slowed down and almost stopped altogether.
"That's good news." Barriss commented. "Just perfect."
"You know, maybe Poe or (y/n) should have came with us." Finn panted. The blazing hot sun was towering over them. "We could use an extra hand in all...this...?" He gestured to the wires sticking out of the panel.
"I must admit, this is harder than I thought...but we can do this, right?" Rey's eyes squinted.
"Yeah...we can't do this. I mean, just look at this mess." The panel was a complete wreck. The interior had too many broken pieces, wires were misplaced and torn. It was far beyond repair.

The Scavenger let out an annoyed groan. "This junk is useless. We've been here for two hours." Her hazel orbs looked hopelessly at the sight before her. "If we leave now, we could make it back at dus-" The sound of footsteps nearing interrupted her sentence. Finn and Rey's lightsabers were already at their sides. The two waited for a moments pass before bursting through the exit of the crashed shuttle.

They expected to be face to face with First Order troopers but were met by the two people who made everything better; and frankly easier.
"Oh my-How did you guys find us?!" Rey unequipped her lightsaber, running to their side.
The set of twins looked exhausted. They had walked many miles to reach this destination.

"Locals told us there was a base somewhere around here. We figured we could track you guys there." The General let out a sigh. "I'm just glad you guys made it out ...alive."

"Where are Poe and (Y/n)?" Luke questioned.
"They're at a base not too far from here. A local was able to help us."
"We have to get them fast. We're out of contact with the Resistance for now. The sooner we get to Coruscant, the better."
Leia's was using her 'General' tone. Of course, she's always been a natural sass and after more than 30 years, she hasn't lost it.
"It be best to leave now. The base is rather far." Rey informed. "Also, this planet isn't the safest when darkness falls."

"Then we better hurry."


Authors note

Hello My Younglings,

It's fairly noticeable that I have taken a major hiatus from Wattpad. I actually took a hiatus from writing altogether. My life in 2017 has been fairly hard. A lot of personal problems have arisen and caught up to me after many years. I'm getting better again. Slowly I am. My muse for this story was low and no matter how hard I tried, it was hard to write a chapter without becoming uninterested.
I thought that since I was uninterested with my own story, no one else would care if I didn't update for awhile. Well, that was not the case. I would log back on here to see more than 40 notifications of people favoriting chapters of this story and I would receive new followers very often. I even reached 13K reads on this! I'm beyond grateful and I owe it to you guys & myself to finish this story and put all that I got into it. You all mean so much to me. I'm a relatively small account on here, but I enjoy it so much. My wishes on here aren't to be a big fan fiction writer that gets over 100 thousand reads on a story. I want to share my stories with you guys and expand universes. It's my biggest privilege writing for you all. I couldn't thank you more for this wonderful opportunity.
Happy 13k!
I will try to be back on here soon. Stick with me.

'Til nextime younglings-TheLastPadawan

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