Out of the Past.

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HEY GUYS. I'm sorry this chapter was sooooooooooooooo late. I had a version of this written and then it got deleted. Then I write it again and I didn't like it. I think it was the force telling me "you need to approach this chapter differently." In which I did and it's a much better layout and series of events that I like. I promise to have the next chapter out soon. I had a lot of stress on me and I didn't know how to deal with schoolwork while on vacation and all this stuff. But it will not take this long for another chapter to come out! I SWEER!
Okay. Enjoy.

"It's been while..." Leia spoke quietly, not breaking eye contact with him. She tołnok him in. He had aged as she had. He still looked like himself, but so much different at the same time.
He sprouted a beard that was grayed. His hair also became dull. But still, even with those wrinkles, he was still Luke.

"Indeed," He matched her low tone.

"Why are you here?" It hurt Luke seeing Leia here after all these years. It's like the failure came rushing back to him.
"It's Ben," She began to walk closer to him,"Snoke has corrupted him more than he once was."
Luke broke eye contact and looked away. Those blue orbs of his were full of regret. Sorrow took over him after Ben turned over. He could still remember the day like it happened yesterday...

It was like any other day. All his trainees awoke and went off with their partners. Ben was his normal self. He was once an excited boy who was passionate about becoming a Jedi for the light. But slowly, that changed as he grew. Luke saw it all happen before him. Ben became hostile toward others, including himself. For the evening session of training, everyone was present, that is, everyone except Ben.

"Where is Ben?" Luke asked his pupils. They all shrugged.
"Partner up and spar with the practice sabers, I'll be back."
They did as told and were off.

Luke began to walk out of the Jedi temple. It was a beautiful evening, shades of dark blue. The stars began to peak out and find their way to shine through the small rays of sun that where lingering.

It was easy to sense Ben's uneasiness throughout the force. Luke followed his instinct and began to walk a great amount away from the Temple.
His surroundings turned from a 'ruin' like surrounding to a clear field. The stars illuminated the sky in a bright manner, it sent a glare throughout the grassy field. It was a beautiful night even Ben saw it...


There he was, much younger and much more innocent at this point in time. Ben sat on the floor of the field, he cradled his legs to him and just looked up.
"Ben," He heard his Uncle call.
"What're you doing here?"

Ben was silent, his back still facing him.
"I'm just getting away..." He said in a low voice.
"Well, it's time to return back-"
"I don't want to go back!" Ben was now facing him. His eyes full of tears and his face red. This didn't look the Ben Solo, His Nephew that he loved so much.
Luke stared at him and there was silence between the two. In that moment, the force began to make its change...
"I'm not going back! I-I can't do this anymore!" Ben yelled.
"Ben, what're you talking about? What's gotten into you..."
It took him a few moments to calm down. His heavy breathing began to take a slow turn. His face began to turn back from a fueled pink to an original color..

"I don't want to be a Jedi. They're evil.."
Luke quirked a brow. He was confused. This all sounded so much like of what Obi-Wan told him when his father began to turn..

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