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It was pretty safe to say that Niall was pleased when Harry walked out sporting the outfit. He could still clearly see Harry's nerves with the situation.
"You look great your gonna have the girls jealous and the guys falling at your feet, trust me." It warmed Harry's heart to hear his friend support him and to feel pretty again it's been a long time. Before he realized it he had Niall up in his face ready to help with makeup.
"Not too heavy, just a little gloss and light on the eyes." Harry doesn't like it heavy when he does put on makeup, although it's been years he's pretty excited.
"Why are y-you doing this for me?"
"Does there have to be any other reason than I love you and your my best friend and I haven't seen you dress the way that makes you happy in such a long time and thought this would be a great opportunity."
"O-okay thanks Niall. I love you too."
The two friends finished getting ready and made there way to the car around a quarter to. The drive wasn't long and pleasant conversation about anything but school was welcomed by both. When they pulled up in front of the club Harry started to get nervous again. It was dark and looked exclusive, the door was a simple dark mahogany with a small sign above that said 'whip'. Niall started getting out while Harry kind of froze in his seat, all he saw were distinguished men in button ups and lady's in skirts and dresses. His hopes of not being the only man in woman's clothing was soon dashed. He looked to Niall with the tears already forming as he opened the door for him.
"N-Niall, what, why did you do this to me? I'm the only one here like this." He rambled out frantic scared to put his feet to the concrete.
"Harry stop now I already told you if it's bad we will leave but trust me when I say, this place does not discriminate believe me. When I heard about it I literally had to go on line and fill out a questionnaire just to be accepted here and that is one thing they do not tolerate." Hearing this relieved and frightened him at the same time, why is it so exclusive and what do you have to do to be a member? He shrugged it off and reached his hand out to Niall to be helped out and stepped on the concrete and looked down to his feet in fear of seeing someone he knew. Hopefully he could get over his fear or this night would be a waste and he really doesn't want to ruin it for his friend.

Whip L.S.(Bdsm)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant