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Louis escorted Harry to his car which was was a very nice black Porsche. He opened the door for Harry and he thanked him with a blush painted on his cheeks.
"You'll have to give me directions sweets."
"Well it's only about a five minute ride from here I suppose, just go left up there then about four blocks."
"Well that's disappointing, I was hoping to spend a little more time with you." Louis said smiling. Harry smiled back and turned to the window staring out to the city streets. It was a peaceful quiet ride, not lasting long just as predicted.
"This is it right here." He says pointing to the building in front of him. Louis pulls up to the curb, gets out to walk Harry up.
"I'll walk you sweets." Louis said smiling.
"Thank you Louis. You really are a gentleman and I appreciate it. I do really enjoy spending time with you." Harry admitted as he gets out of the car. Louis grabs his hand and brings it to his face gently kissing it.
"And I you." He smirked when Harry blushed.
"So Niall?" Louis questioned while Harry nodded and asked.
"Liam?" They both giggled.
"I guess our friends like each other huh?" Louis questioned. Harry sighed sadly for a moment then smiled small.
"Yeah, Niall's a bit damaged, I wish he would slow down. He just hides the hurt by finding a new person as often as possible."
"Oh." Louis said looking disappointed.
"I was kind of hoping they were instantly in like with each other and new they were destined to be together."
"Well maybe? But not really his track record as of lately."
"Well maybe Li can change that?"Louis asked hopefully.
"I hope so, it's quite sad really, he got his heart broke and chose to deal with it that way."
"What about you what's your story?" Louis questioned.
"Well this is it." Harry said avoiding the question for now, while Louis pouted because they were already there.
"Would you like to come in for tea or something?" Harry asked hopefully.
"I'd love to, but you did say you were tired and I don't want to keep you from your sleep or anything." He really wanted to but also wants to be a gentleman.
"Oh yeah well ok, I'll talk to you again then?" Harry's low self esteem kicking in again, questioning wether or not Louis would even want to see him again. Did he really even find him attractive? Maybe he was lying and he will never see him again. He was starting to rapid fire these questions in his head when Louis responds.
"Of course lovely, I've got your number I'll text you or call you. I want to take you out, I will definitely get a hold of you to work out the details." Louis smiled and leaned forward bringing Harry into a hug and kissed his cheek lightly.
"I'll see you later Harry." He said and kissed him again this time on the corner of his mouth. Wanting more from this beautiful boy in front of him but knowing he shouldn't take it too fast.
"Bye Lou, thank you." Harry waved as he walked into his apartment. Sighing dreamily he really wishes he could call Niall to gush but knows he's busy. After changing into a pair of white fluffy pajama pants and pink socks and t shirt he settles in on the couch with a cup of tea and a blanket reading a book before he sleeps. He needs to do that to calm his nerves some and relax from his day in order to fall asleep. After about a half hour he decides he's ready for bed and slips into bed having sweet dreams of Louis.

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