Niall and Harry are good friends both gay both single both looking for something different. Niall hears about a BDSM club in the city and decides him and Harry should check it out. Will they find a daddy? Or decide it's not the lifestyle for them.
The days following Valentine's Day were normal work days for both, Harry is feeling pretty normal as far as work is concerned. There haven't been any incidents regarding his sexual orientation like he thought, so he's pretty relaxed. Louis is happier than he's been in a long time and has Harry to thank for that. He's been sitting in his office thinking about his sweet lover as opposed to getting work done which is not really a good thing. He wants to spend his whole weekend with Harry but if he's behind, that won't be happening. He decides to try and focus on the task at hand now so he can be with his man completely.
After Harry gets off work he sees a letter taped to his door, he grabs it and heads inside. After tidying up a little, he sits down and reads his mail and opens the letter. It's typed very neatly and has some sweet hearts drawn on it. He giggles to himself about how sweet his Louis is.
My dearest Harry, With my long week of work ahead of me, I long to see your beautiful face. Meet me at The curse for a wonderful meal with my wonderful boyfriend. Tonight at 6:30. See you my pretty. Love, your man. Harry smiles big, he is so in love with Lou and this is so sweet. He loves getting letters and flowers from his daddy. He quickly gets up to shower and dress for the occasion. After calling Niall to see if he knew what kind of place this was so he knew what to wear. Niall explained it was pretty high end so he should dress accordingly. He took some time deciding wether to dress more manly or the way Louis likes, which happens to be what ever Harry is feeling so he decides to go a little more feminine to show Louis how much he's bringing him out of his shell.
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He picked a nice white pant suit with heels and headed out, now being six he's hoping he's not late, you never know what traffic will be like.
Niall was laying lazily in Liam's lap, enjoying the feeling of his fingers running through his hair and sharing sweet kisses. Niall was never one to like relationships but this was everything he could have dreamed of. "Li, your so good to me. I sometimes feel I don't deserve you." He said in his relaxed state. Liam smiled lovingly at his boyfriend. "As long as you want to be with me, I'm all in you know." He said looking deep in Niall's eyes, making him feel jittery inside. "Niall I undoubtedly lo..." his confession was quickly cut short with a knock on the door. He sighs annoyed while Niall is clearly in shock, knowing what he was about to say. "Hold that thought baby, I'll be right back." He kisses his head and goes to the door. He swings it open without looking, to see Louis standing there with beer in his hand. "Hey Liam, what's up? I brought beer!" He says shouldering past Liam to get inside. Liam is annoyed a little, losing his moment with Niall but he hasn't seen him in a while. Niall's eyes widen at seeing Louis standing there. "What are you doing here?" He asks, it comes out rather rudely so Liam is quick to correct him. "Is that anyway to talk to another dominant?" He asks sternly. "I'm sorry sir but.." Liam flashes an angry face. "No buts, Niall. Apologize now." Niall looks down ashamed but his worry is overwhelming him. "Harry, where's Harry?" He gets out. Liam gives him a glare but looks to Louis anyway. "I don't know I haven't talked to him since lunch but he's ok with me hanging out with Liam as I am with him being with you, so I don't see your problem right now?" He questions as Niall shoots off the couch, running to the door in a panic, mumbling to himself. Louis gives Liam a what the fuck look as Liam goes after him. "Niall! Where are you going?" Niall looks at them both in fear. Swallowing hard he tries to gain his voice. "He's in trouble, we need to go now." Louis looks on in confusion and worry starts to build up in him. "Niall, what's going on? Your worrying me." Louis says quickly. Niall looks him in the eye with a few tears trying to escape. "He got a note, he thought it was from you." Louis pales. "It said to meet at The Curse. He said it was from you. He called me asking what to wear." He grabbed his jacket as Liam was already grabbing his keys. "What time?" Louis asked looking at his watch. "Um I think he said six thirty." "Shit that was a half hour ago." He says weakly while tapping his phone and dialing Harry's number. It rang until it went to voicemail, he quickly hung up and followed the others out the door. "Who would it be? Maybe it's just a secret admirer or something?" He questions as they get into Liam's car. "Could be but I doubt it, he was sure it was you so I need to make sure he's ok." All Louis new was this car isn't going fast enough.