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Harry woke with a start, crying when he realized he wasn't dreaming it all. Niall was quick to get by his side and comfort him. He still wasn't aware of everything that happened so he was gentle and only touched his hand. Harry looked around frantically.
"Where's Louis?" He said with his heart breaking, he said he wouldn't leave.
"Um, I don't know?" Niall questioned looking to Liam for an answer. He just shrugged and got up grabbing his phone.
"I'll call him." He said stepping out into the hall. He didn't receive an answer so he decided to walk around the hospital in hopes of finding him. When he got to the little cafe, what he saw broke his heart knowing Louis must not have slept all night. He walked to the corner table, tapping the slumped figure as he gently tried to wake him.
"Lou, wake up man." Louis jumped with with wide eyes as a girl came walking up.
"He came in a few hours ago and ordered three coffees then passed out. I didn't have the heart to wake him, he looked exhausted. Here's three fresh coffees for you." She set them down and smiled as she walked away.
"Harry? Is he awake? I said I wouldn't leave." Liam grabbed his shoulder.
"Calm down, yes he's awake. He was asking for you but this gives him and Niall a chance to talk. They need it. So come on we will deliver these and see if he's ready for us." Louis just nodded tiredly, not just from the lack of sleep but the stress of it all. The walk back was quicker than Liam would have liked, he was serious about giving Niall time with him.
Louis didn't knock, he burst in going as quick as he could to be by Harry's side. Harry sniffles and looks up at him, Niall has red swollen eyes after hearing about Harry's ordeal.
"Baby I'm sorry, I went to get coffee and fell asleep waiting. I didn't leave you I promise." Harry smiled brokenly.
"I know, I mean for a minute I wondered but I'm just glad you stayed." His voice wavered as he spoke. Liam was in the corner holding Niall to comfort him, seeing him this shaken up is concerning but he's not gonna make anyone tell him what happened, it's not for him to know unless Harry wants him to.

Niall and Liam decided to give Harry and Louis some time alone and go get lunch for everyone.
Louis gently touched Harry's hand and kissed his cheek.
"Baby, I think when you're better we should get some counseling. I'll go with if you want or if you'd rather be alone that's fine too. I'll drive you to every appointment and wait for you and I'll support you in every way." Harry decided to cut off his rambling now.
"Yes, I'll go. Please let's talk about something else though. How was your night last night?" Harry didn't know that they had searched for him the whole time. He didn't know he was opening a can of worms. The tears started spilling out of Louis eyes as he began to speak.
"I uh, went to Liam's. was gonna drink beer with him and just hang out." He chuckled humorlessly.
"Niall was there and started questioning me about you, I thought he was being rude for a minute. I told him that just because we're in a relationship doesn't mean I can't see my friends." Another chuckle.
"But then he told me about the note and I panicked. We looked everywhere, even went to the police. I was so worried, we all stayed up to wait for your call. Niall stayed at your place in case you came back home but then he called me.." he started choking up as he noticed the tears streaming down Harry's face.
"I'm sorry, you didn't want to talk about that did you?" Harry smiled.
"It's nice to know you guys care, I wasn't sure if anyone would even notice I wasn't around." He started tearing up again.
"Oh princess, I love you so so much. I'm sorry you had to go through this. If I could take it away I would, I would go through it all just so you didn't have to." Harry smiled a small but genuine smile, but jumped when the door slammed open.
"Harry! Oh my god what happened to you?" He swung his head to the door to meet eyes with his very worried sister.
"Gem? What are you doing here?" He asked genuinely confused, she wasn't supposed to visit for a few weeks yet.
"Niall called me, I took the first available flight, and let me tell you my seat was not that comfortable." Harry laughed. Louis sat silently, waiting for an introduction or something as to who this was. When Harry realized that they hadn't met he immediately got to work introducing him.
"Louis, this is Gemma. My sister. Gemma this is my boyfriend Louis. I didn't want you guys to meet like this but.." he trailed off fighting more tears. She narrowed her eyes and walked closer to Louis.
"Did you do this to him? Is he here because of you?" Louis didn't know what to think of her protective rant. He immediately put his hands up in surrender trying to answer her questions but Harry beat him to the punch.
"Gem, leave him alone. He didn't do this, he's a wonderful man who only treats me kindly." She didn't seem too convinced and chose to ignore Louis as she focused on her brother.
"Babe, I'm gonna step out for a bit. Run home and change, give you two a chance to talk. I love you sweet pea." He whispered the last part then sweetly kissed Harry's lips.
"I'll be back, don't worry." He walked toward Gemma and held out his hand which she ignored.
"It was nice, uh meeting you." He said nervously. She didn't respond. He's fucked, he thinks as he just slips out of the room.

Sorry for the long wait, for those of you still reading.

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