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Harry had a feeling of pure bliss watching this particular scene in which a man was bound and bent over a bench where he was being whipped. His ass streaked with angry red lines while his cock is hard and slapping his stomach every time the whip would crack down. His mind is swarming with questions at that point and he wants to ask Louis everything he knows but wants to wait till this is over so he can watch it all.
Louis is starting to relax some but it's hard with this goddess next to him, and yes he knows Harry is a male but he will be his baby girl there is no doubt about it. He continues to watch Harry intently not even noticing he was caught.
"Um why aren't you watching the scene?" Harry asked genuinely curious?
"I found something more intriguing to watch." Louis says with a smirk to which Harry blushes and turns away.
"Don't be shy lovely, your beautiful and I just can't peel my eyes away."
"Oh well your sweet and also very attractive." He smiled sweetly showing his dimples making Louis swoon even more if that's possible. As the scene was finishing up on stage Louis turned to Harry and asked if he had any questions.
"So so many! I don't even know where to begin."
"Take your time lovely, I'll wait."
"Th-thank you for being here and for understanding, I kind of feel really stupid for not really knowing much about this."
"Hey now don't feel that way you don't know because you've never been to a place like this or bothered to learn about it. I'm sure you've had vanilla sex anyway right?"
"Well yeah I've had sex before but I've never really heard it put like that." Louis only had slight disappointment in the possibility that he would be a virgin, but really someone so beautiful would certainly have had boyfriends or even girlfriends before.
"Vanilla is just a term meaning normal sex nothing kinky."
"O-oh" Harry looked down feeling really embarrassed to be having this conversation in the middle of a club with a total stranger.
"I-I'm sorry Louis I just, this is hard for me. I don't usually talk about my sex life with strangers."
"I know, it's out of your comfort zone, but keep in mind I don't judge. Besides I quite like you and would really like to get to know you better anyway."

Whip L.S.(Bdsm)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant