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Looking around at the people now he noticed they were all dressed nice not in kinky leather and chains like he's heard about. There are a few cross dressers, which eases his nerves immensely and a few dressed a little fem and most dressed normal. While his eyes are searching the crowd Niall excuses himself to use the restroom so Harry decides to go to the bar. He is still very much in awe of how beautiful this club is, as he walks up staring intently at the architecture of the place he has yet to notice all the eyes on him. He gracefully finds an empty seat and takes it to wait for the bartender patiently. Finally he is noticed, the man with jet black hair and blue eyes looks him up and down before asking what he'll have.
"I'll have a sangria please. "  The man sends him a wink,
"Sure thing cutie!" Harry smiled and shyly looked down. Suddenly he feels a big sweaty palm on his bare back, he jumps and shivers slightly as he turns to see who is touching him without permission. When he turns he is less than excited to see this person violating him in such a way. The man was older, like way older he looked to be in his late forties or more,over weight, balding and sweaty.
"Excuse me, please don't touch me there." He says meekly but still assertive enough that this guy should know to lay off. But he doesn't, he puts his hands on the bar, arms on either side of Harry.
"Look,  you are gonna be my sub so get used to it I'm gonna touch you any way I want." He says with authority while his hand slips down to Harry's thigh and starts to slither up. He is now visibly shaking when he hears an angelic voice, his night in shining armor.
"I do believe you were told to go away!" He grits out, very angered by the behavior of this Dom.
"I believe you know the rules sir and you do not touch anyone without permission. Now kindly step away before I report you." The man merely grumbled and glared at Harry before walking away. Harry is so great full and relieved his eyes are pressed closed as he tries to get his breathing to return to normal.
"Hello lovely, are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" He is still shaken up and tries his best to form coherent words.
"Uh y-yes th-thank you," he sighs sadly.
"I told Niall I shouldn't wear this." He muttered sadly.
"Hey." The man now uses his finger to get Harry to look at him and only then has he noticed how beautiful this man is in front of him.
"You get to wear whatever you like whenever you like and nobody can treat you like that."
"Thank you, I just feel like I was asking for it, you know?"
"No I don't there is no such thing as 'asking for it.' Now stop." He said with clear dominance that Harry didn't mind coming from him.
"I'm Louis by the way." He said holding his hand out.

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