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Louis was sitting on his couch, waiting for him to return when he got the call from Niall.
"Lou, we need to go to the hospital, they found him." Niall said shaken. Neither had slept, it was obvious. Louis had gasped when Niall said this.
"Hospital?" He whispers.
"Yes no details but he's in fair condition and undergoing tests." Louis was already at his door with essentials in hand ready to go.
"Should I pick you up, or is Liam?" Louis asked.
"Liam is coming, I'll meet you there."
"Ok thanks for calling Ni." He hurriedly ran to his car, with each passing second of not knowing his heart pumped harder in his chest. He drove faster than the speed limit but thankfully it is late so most people are in bed. The city streets were a blur and even if he wasn't going fast he wouldn't see them. His vision is blurry from the tears as he worries about his precious baby.
He is first to the hospital so he asks reception where Harry is, texting Niall the info.
When he got to the third floor where he was kept he frantically asked for help getting to his room, a nice older nurse stepped out from behind the desk and walked him down. When they got there the doctor was coming out.
"Are you here for Mr.Styles?" He asks kindly.
"Yes, I'm his boyfriend. Please can you tell me what happened?" He asked choking on his sobs as the stress from all the day was catching up to him.
"I've been so worried, we couldn't find him and we've been waiting and I love him so so much. Please just tell me he's ok.?" The doctor looked on sympathetically and answered as best he could.
"He's doing good, I can't talk about what happened because you are not family that will be up to him. You are free to go see him but, please be calm, be strong and patient, that's what he needs right now. So I suggest you take a minute to collect yourself." He walked away after a pat on the shoulder.
Taking a deep breath in, he knocks on the door quietly but just steps in when the nurse informs him that he is still sleeping.
The room is only lit by a small night light on the wall. He walks close to the bed and sees Harry sleeping on his stomach, which is odd in a hospital but he knows it's probably necessary. He sees that he has a white beanie covering his head. He's so worried and wants to ask what happened but he don't want to wake him and probably wouldn't be able to anyway since he was given a sedative.
"My sweet sweet princess. I love you so much. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." He whispered into his cheek as he kissed him. He silently perched in the chair and grabbed his hand and sat waiting for him to wake, he didn't want to risk sleeping when Harry was awake. He needs to be there for his baby.
Niall walked in a few minutes later kissing Harry's cheek, he then took Liam to wait on the couch across the room. Niall made eye contact with Louis, then turned and cuddled into Liam's chest for comfort. Louis didn't let go of Harry's hand for the rest of the night.

When it reached five am Louis eyes were glazed over, his head bobbing but he still hasn't slept he gazes at Harry, only to find him staring back.
"Lou? Are you here?" Harry asked not really sure if he's dreaming or not.
"Shh, I'm right here baby I'm not going anywhere." Harry moved a bit to change positions but only managed to feel the pain on his back again. He never takes his eyes off Louis as the fat tears start rolling down his cheeks.
"Harry, baby, can you tell me what happened? Louis knew it was a lot to ask and that Harry probably wouldn't want to talk but he had to take the chance but much to his surprise Harry started to talk.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do. He hurt me so bad, I wanted to get away but I couldn't and I'm sorry." Louis listened, trying to read between the lines. He had a feeling he now knew what happened but he didn't want to assume something like that.
"Baby, no. I'm sorry, I wish I would have been with you." He said wanting to desperately swallow the tennis ball size lump in his throat.
"You didn't know, he tricked me and I feel so stupid, so dirty." He said it, he put it out there. Just enough so Louis then knew for sure what'd happened. His eyes tearing up as he tried to be in control of his emotions but he couldn't grasp which one to let fill him at the moment.
"He hit me with a whip, because I refused to su..." Harry started but couldn't finish.
"Babe if it's too much you don't have to tell me." Louis said, not really sure if he wanted to hear it all anyway, but in the end decides if Harry had to live through this and suffer, he would too.
"He said I liked it and kept hitting me, I don't know how bad it looks but it hurts so bad. When he, he... um." Harry cast his eyes downward, he couldn't look Louis in the eyes at this part. His voice only coming out in a whisper he said the only thing he could manage to get out at the moment.
"He didn't use protection." Louis paled, Harry only confirmed what he already figured out, that he was raped but it killed him knowing what Harry went through.
"I'm sorry daddy, I tried to get away but he had a gun and I didn't know if he'd use it. I'm so sorry." Harry rambled out an apology and Louis could only look on in disbelief.
"Baby, no. Oh god no don't apologize for this. What happened to you was not your fault at all.
Oh god, I want to hold you so bad, but I don't want to hurt you." He said starting to cry again.
"I love you so much princess and nothing will ever change that." Louis proclaimed and Harry couldn't hold in his tears. Louis peppered his face with kisses and told him to get some rest and they could talk later.
"You're not leaving?" Harry questions when he sees Louis still sitting in his chair.
"Never." He said firmly. Harry drifted off to sleep looking at Louis face, which made it easier. Louis tried to sleep next to his baby but struggled still. After knowing Harry was sound asleep he untangled their fingers and got up to pace the floor. He placed one last peck on his cheek before quietly slipping out of the room.

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