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It was a very long day, the kids were exceptionally loud and irritating. He never got lunch with Niall because he had to help a few students with the poems he assigned. He gathered up his papers and noticed his phone laying under his bag, he sighed remembering he didn't text goodbye to Louis. He checked for messages and noticed one from Louis and decided he should respond right away.
Louis: goodbye princess talk to you later. Remember your rules sweetheart.
That was sent this morning and now Harry feels guilty.
Harry: sorry my students came in and I was busy, I will follow the rules daddy don't worry. Have a safe trip.

He finished packing up his things and ran into Niall in the hall.
"Hey Ni, want to come over for dinner tonight? I need to talk to you."
"Yeah I'll be round about seven?"
"Yeah sounds good, later."
They head off in different directions, Harry to the market to pick up a few items. He grabbed the ingredients to make baked chicken with broccoli and rice, fairly simple to make so he can talk with Niall properly.
He got the chicken in the oven and the water for the rice boiling when the doorbell rang, he quickly walked to the door to let his friend in. His mouth fell open slightly in shock and a small amount of disappointment to see Liam behind his friend.
"Oh hi, Liam is it?" He extended his hand.
"Yes, nice to meet you. Harry,yes? I've actually heard quite a bit about you. Believe it or not I've heard more from Louis than this one."
He winks at Niall all the while he's standing there with a sheepish grin. Harry still hasn't closed his mouth from the shock.
"I'm sorry if I'm intruding on your time with Niall I just wanted to be with my pet, is it ok with you?" Harry stumbles for words but manages to speak after a bit.
"U-um no of course not come in, your welcome to eat too luckily I made double portion for Niall there."
"Oh good, I'm gonna go use the restroom if you don't mind."
"Go ahead, down the hall on the left." He quickly turns to his friend with his brows raised in question and a smirk on his lips.
"I-I'm sorry Harry I didn't mean to bring him but I signed a contract which means I have to listen to him, I really did want to talk alone with you but my master wanted to spend time with me."
"Your master huh?" He waggled his eyebrows.
"Yes now hush, like you don't call Louis sir or master."
"Yeah but mostly daddy." He said with his hands clasped in front of him saying his hips from side to side feigning innocence with his smile.
"Oh that's hot." Niall said a little flushed. Harry smiled.
"We'll have to talk another time."
Harry patted Niall on the shoulder and walked to the kitchen to take out the chicken and cook the broccoli and rice. Niall followed him and shortly after Liam walked in.
"Dinner smells delicious Harry you must be a good cook." Liam said.
"Well thank you." Harry watched as Liam sauntered over to his boy and whispered in his ear.
"Harry do you need any help?" Niall suddenly asks.
"Um no just have a seat I'm bringing it to the table now."
Niall looked to Liam and he nodded and said.
"Sit pet." With a whispered, "good boy."
Harry stared in awe that Niall his best/slutty friend is now being obedient and faithful. Or that's the impression anyway.
"So how are things with Louis?" Liam asked matter of fact.
"Good, I like him. He's been really good to me." He feels quite awkward answering this he doesn't want to make it seem like he doesn't have any feeling toward him but is also scared he would think he's feeling too much too fast.
"Good. He's a good lad, we've been friends forever." Liam spoke with a fondness in his eyes.
"So I haven't really had much time to talk with you lately Niall, how are things with you?" He slightly looked up to Liam asking permission to speak, Harry was a little taken aback. Liam quickly grabs Niall's chin to make him look in his eyes.
"Babe, he's your friend it's ok here in this environment to speak freely to him. Just be respectful to others especially dominants." Niall smiled in relief.
"Ok sir I just wasn't sure how to be. Thank you." Liam kissed him sweetly on the temple. Harry just melted, to see his friend like this warmed his heart.
"Ok yeah things are good Harry we are happy, I think I quite like this lifestyle. Liam here is so sweet to me." He smiles fondly at Liam and its most definitely returned.
They finished up dinner with small talk all getting along quite nicely.
"Sir, can I please have a moment with my friend alone?"
"Yes of course I'll get the car round." He kissed him on the lips and thanked Harry for a delicious meal and for accepting him last minute.
"Hey, Harry I feel like this is weird but it shouldn't be." He awkwardly said looking down, Harry just grabbed his friend pulling him into the warmest hug ever.
"Are you happy? Genuinely happy like this?"
"I can't even explain it Harry." He said with stars in his eyes.
"You don't have to, I have so many different feelings floating around and really need to talk to someone but I feel the same. It truly makes me so happy when Louis tells me I do good. I think he's the first person I've ever been with that made me feel this good and I haven't even known him that long."
"That's great Harry, I'm glad you took to this also I don't know what I would do if you thought I was strange for it."
"Niall, after all you've done for me and supported me through you should know by now I would never think that. Anyway, I'm happy for you Niall. Let's do lunch tomorrow." He smiled big at his friend and hugged him again before he walked out to his waiting Dom.
Harry sighed happily as the couple drive away, it was a little unusual to meet a new boyfriend like that but hey who gets to say what's normal. He immediately gets to cleaning up the mess scrubbing and washing until it's done, then heads to the shower. By the time he's comfortable and ready for bed its nine thirty. He grabs his phone to text Louis a goodnight and charge it for the night.
Harry: how's your night? Mines been good. I had Niall and Liam over for dinner. It was lovely, you have a very nice friend who speaks quite fondly of you. I'm off to bed goodnight daddy.

Louis: goodnight baby, I'm glad you like each other but wish I could have been there also. Sounds like a good time was had. It's nice to hear they are still seeing each other.

Harry: ooh yes Niall said he even signed the contract, I'm so excited.

Louis: goodnight sweetheart :)

Harry: goodnight daddy xx

So sorry for all the filler but my next chapter should be good, smut and all.
Hoping to get my next one up tonight or tomorrow! Thanks for reading and please comment and like!

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