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Harry smiled and looked away not really knowing how to feel at the moment. On one hand he feels honored that Louis would want to get to know him but on the other he feels a little akward in this situation with someone he just met.
"Thanks, that would be nice." He responds.
"So questions?"
"How do they do that? I mean it looks painful."
"Well it is but they like it."
"I could tell..." Harry trails off in a dream like state.
"Is it normal for me to like watching?" He asks this time a little embarrassed.
"Oh no princess that is completely normal, don't ever feel ashamed." Harry's cheeks tint pink at the nickname Louis called him and shyly took a sip of his drink.
"Yes, sorry if you don't like it but there are so many things I want to call you sweetheart." Harry smiled wide showing his dimples and turns a shade darker.
"I'm sorry if it bothers you, too fast?"
"No no I like it."
"Ok so how about I just explain how some of this works and then you can ask away?"
"Yeah that'd be good."
"Well for starters there is a Dominant and a submissive. Both play an equal but not equal roll in the relationship. By equal I mean they will go over the rules together and agree on everything, it wouldn't work any other way. By unequal I mean the dominant is just that and the submissive basically follows the rules put down or gets punished." He points toward the stage.
"Like the man on the stage did, do you follow?"
"Y-yes I think so, is it all about punishment though?"
"Oh no my sweet little thing, it's about so much more. Verbal praise, rewards that can be sexual or non depending on the kind of relationship you have."
"So it's not about sex?"
"Not always. It's all about what is agreed upon there would be a contract written up and if both agree to it then yes there is sex involved but you can choose to take it slower." He watches as Harry digest's the information.
"So how do you uh like start if you w-want to?"
"Well that's the tricky part, you need to find someone your compatible with the wants to be your Dom assuming you are the submissive type."
"So I just go up to people and randomly say hay do you want to spank me?" Harry says jokingly but also seriously because he doesn't know where to begin. Louis wasn't sure what to do with this question he did find it humorous but he wanted to subtly get the point across that he wanted to be his Dom without sounding desperate even though he pretty much is. He's realized over the course of the evening that he needed Harry and Harry needed him he just hoped the feeling was mutual.
He leans closer so his lips graze Harry's ear and whispers while his hand squeezes his thigh just tight enough for a little pain but not enough to scare him off.
"Be mine."

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