Niall and Harry are good friends both gay both single both looking for something different. Niall hears about a BDSM club in the city and decides him and Harry should check it out. Will they find a daddy? Or decide it's not the lifestyle for them.
The wait is killing Harry, he's glad Louis is not leaving him but he's not sure just how mad he is. He understands that he needs to be punished, taught a lesson but to what extent? He likes some pain obviously but how rough will he be? He fully trusts Louis, so far he has not given him reason not to. But he still has a tendency to over think things and sitting in limbo like this is killing him. Just when he thinks he's gonna give up and go to bed his phone rings. "Hello daddy." Knowing its him from his caller ID. "Hello, if you are not too sleepy you may drive over now. Bring an overnight bag." "Yes sir, I'll be there soon, bye daddy." Click, no good bye? No sweet loving words, this cold shoulder would hurt him more than anything he could do physically. He only lets a few stray tears go then gathers his things and leaves. When he arrives to Louis he's a bit shaky, nervous and sad. He's wanted nothing more than to please his daddy and he failed. He loves getting his praise, but he won't. He was so disappointed in Harry he even left before they finished fooling around, just like that gone. He knocked quietly on the door, the house silent he heard shuffling behind the door and tried to hide his disappointment that it was Stella instead of Louis. "Good evening Mr. Styles." "Good evening Stella, I'm here to see lo- I mean Mr. Tommlinson." "Yes follow me." They walk quickly down the hall and she shows him the office door. "He's in there sir." He smile politely and swallows back his nerves as he knocks lightly. "Come in." Harry walks in slowly and clicks the door shut quietly behind him, Louis never looks up. Harry fears the longer he has had to think about it maybe he did decide he wants someone else. He awkwardly clears his throat to which Louis finally looks up. Stone faced he says with no emotion what so ever. "Go to my playroom, undress and wait in the proper position." "Yes sir." Harry has to gulp down tears, Louis cold exterior is hurting him more than he thought possible. He quickly walks to the room and follows instructions. He drops to his knees but at this point he can't hold the tears back from falling steadily down his face. This is his first punishment and he's scared to lose the only that makes him happy these days. He drops his head down with his hands behind his back as he hears footsteps. The door clicks open and shut, he doesn't look. He can't. Louis is still silent as he walks around gathering what he will need. He's trying to be tough, after all this is BDSM and he knows he has a soft spot for Harry and is afraid to hurt his fragile soul but he has decided that he needs to be more of a dominant. If nothing else but to test Harry's limits. He walks over to stand in front of Harry, his footsteps and Harry's sniffles are the only audible sounds in the room. When he stops in front he sees Harry's shudder and knows he's trying to hold back sobs, Louis tries not to soften his stance. "Look up." Harry does, red puffy eyes and all. His cheeks red his nose snotty. This has got to be the worst sight Louis has ever witnessed, this is his boy he should never look this sad. Harry doesn't look at him, even with his head up his eyes are down. Louis sighs. "Can you stop crying and tell me what's wrong love?" Harry's eyes snapped over he said love, maybe he doesn't hate him after all, he thinks. "I- I don't really know if I can talk about it now." He looks down again. "Is there something else you did wrong?" "No no that's all, I just feel bad about myself for it." Louis deeply sighs, knowing there is something in Harry's past that troubles him. "I need to punish you now, what's your color?" "Green sir." "Stand and walk to the bed and lay down." Harry does as told trying hard to look in Louis eyes but he's too ashamed. In reality he only masturbated and it's not that big of a deal. But it eats away at him that he disobeyed so early on in their relationship. Louis makes him feel special and he doesn't want to lose that. "Look at me now and tell me the truth right now, why did you do it?" "I had a dream and I woke up hard and it hurt and I didn't know if I would even see you today so I took care of it." "Tell me about the dream, all the details lovely." He's kneeling over Harry now and kisses his nipple, Harry shudders. His face blushes as he tells in detail the dream that led to his trouble. "So then what, porn?" "No I just thought about you daddy, touching yourself." Louis doesn't want to admit just how erotic this is as he dips down and licks his tip. Nothing but small soft little touches, Harry's not quite sure if this is actually a punishment. He feels his daddy's wet hot mouth on his cock sliding up and down, his head thrown back in complete ecstasy he doesn't see it coming but feels the cold metal sliding around his wet cock and balls. It's then that his head snaps up to see what is happening.
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He's confused, he doesn't know what this is. He looks to Louis who is now continuing to assault his cock and now his hole with his tongue and the pleasure is indescribable. "Color?" Louis asks catching his breath. "Green sir, feels so good." Louis smiles knowing he won't feel this way for long. "Good, now did you like the thought of daddy touching himself? Hmm?" "Y-yes it was beautiful." He breathes out still so turned on. Louis hums in appreciation as he slips out of his jeans and boxers. Harry watches breathlessly as Louis lubes his hand and starts pumping his length. Long slow strokes, licking his lips teasing the man below him. He's not tied up this time but his arms feel weighted like he couldn't move if he tried. His fantasy is coming true right before his eyes. His mind starts swirling with questions. Why is he putting on this magnificent show for him? Louis is moaning and is having a hard time staying on his knees as his legs are shaking. Just the look of Harry splayed out beneath him with that fucked out look in his eyes is making him crazier. He strokes faster pumping harder until he paints Harry's pretty tummy with his cum, leaning down with sated lust in his eyes he laps it all up with Harry quivering underneath him. He looks up licking his lips and smiles satisfied he asks. "Color, love?" "Green daddy." "Okay now I need to explain some things." He says grabbing wipes for Harry's tummy. "So what I did was put a cock ring on you, it will not let you come. I see your so painfully hard and I'm sorry but that is how I left your house today so fair is fair. Now this will stay on for tonight through Monday night." "W-what? But I'm." He looks down at his raging hard on. "Do not get a pissy attitude about it or you'll get spanks too." "Yes sir." Harry states sadly. "Now Stella has gone home and I want you wearing nothing but that while we cuddle on the couch and you tell me why you were so upset ok princess." Harry nods and gets off the bed to follow his daddy. When they got to the couch Louis sat down and patted his lap, Harry looked at him questioning what he meant so Louis held out his arms like he want a hug. Harry straddled his legs and wrapped his arms around Louis neck and cuddled his face into the crook of his neck. He sighs deeply and relaxes into his daddy. Louis hugs him and rubs his back lovingly. After a few minutes he slid off to his side and hugged his waste. "Talk to me princess." "I just have had some bad experiences and I let you down and I worried you wouldn't want me anymore." "Yes but I told you before that I will not replace you and will care for you even if you make mistakes." Harry smiles weakly. "I know d-daddy but you were so cold when you talked to me and I like it when you call me sweet names but you didn't even say bye when we were on the phone and would you even care if that was our last conversation, if I was in a crash or something, then when I got here you didn't even look at me and you looked so mad and it made me so sad that you were that mad at me..and" Louis interrupts as Harry tries to breath. "Baby calm down, your talking a mile a minute." "Sorry daddy." "First of all I'm sorry for being cold to you, I didn't mean to seem mad I wasn't. I was just being your dominant and I should have said goodbye. You do understand that I have been going easy on you though and I will be tightening up the reins now, you need to learn that I am in charge and you need to follow the rules." He kisses his lips sweetly, but keeps the stern look on his face. "Yes sir I understand, I'm sorry for being irrational and will try to be better." "Good baby, I know you can do it." They watched movies till Harry was sleeping in Louis lap he gently carried the tall man to his bed, it wasn't an easy task he is very tall but Louis is strong so it is ok. They snuggled together and peacefully found sleep.
It was a longer wait than I anticipated but here it is, hope it's ok. Please comment and vote. I would love to hear from you. Also check out some of my other stories. Have a great rest of the weekend!