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After Harry's release from the hospital he was taken immediately to Louis place, he feels safe here and cared for but is too worried about being a burden. Louis has been an absolute dream during this whole ordeal, just like in the hospital. He's been at Louis for two weeks and he shows no signs of going back to work. Harry on the other hand has made a firm decision in his head that next Monday he will go back. He decided to call the school first thing. He's mostly recovered physically and has been to multiple therapy sessions for his emotional needs, he's not completely there yet but he's getting better for sure. After getting off the phone with the principal who was thrilled that Harry was coming back, he went to shower. Louis must be making breakfast or something because he's not in the room.
His shower feels nice, Louis been bathing him since he's been here and it's sweet and he loves the attention but feels good to be independent again. After only a few minutes he hears a knock, followed by Louis opening the door.
"Baby? What's wrong love? I was going to help you." Louis said with a certain sadness to his voice.
"I know daddy but you were busy and I can do it myself, I'm better now." Harry says enthusiastically.
"Oh." Was all Louis said before backing out and shutting the door. He's still been having these strong urges to take care of Harry and he's disappointed that he can't at this moment.
Harry came out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, he notices Louis sitting on the bed sulking. With desire written all over his face he determinedly walks to him and drops his towel. Getting no response from his daddy he climbs on straddling his lap. He wraps his arms around his neck and starts kissing it teasingly, trying to elicit some sort of reaction from Louis.
"Daddy? Will you fuck me, please?" He whispers afraid of rejection. Louis sighs, gently setting Harry back into the bed before getting up and staring into his eyes.
"I uh, I have to go out baby." He says hurriedly. He turns and walks out not knowing that Harry is crying his eyes out from feeling unwanted and disgusting.

Louis goes downstairs and at the last minute decides to go out for some fresh air. He walks down the street slowly, enjoying the cool breeze on his skin just trying to clear his head.

Harry sobs into his pillow still naked. He feels gross, like it's his fault. Like Louis stopped desiring him the moment he found out about the rape. He tried to get away, he tried to stop him. He was scared and vulnerable and weak and he knows it's his fault for being that way. All of those things keep going over and over in his head as he lays there suffering, in his mind it isn't enough. He reaches around to his mostly healed scars, reminders of his filthy encounter. He scratches, hard. He can't seem to make it stop itching. He doesn't feel the blood under his finger nails, he doesn't know the damage he's causing until he hears his name being screamed to stop. He pulls his hands forward and stares at them, breaking down once more he tries to wipe it off, but only manages to smear it more his sobs are wracking his body until he feels the warmth of Someone grabbing him from behind and holding him tight.
"Shh, I've got you Harry." He recognized the voice of Niall and turned sobbing into his arms.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Harry sobbed. Niall just held him until his shaking turned into sniffles. Liam and Niall had decided to take the day off and take the boys out for some much needed fun. Liam used his key to get in. Louis said they had no plans today so they should be here. Liam went to check out back while Niall went upstairs. The sight he was met with horrified him. All the progress Harry had made and he has a slip up like this and to top it all off Louis is nowhere to be found.
"Tell me what happened Harry." Niall says kind of frantic. Harry stares to the wall, a blank look taking over his features.
"I need to go home." He says softly. "Louis doesn't love me anymore. Not like he used to." Niall's face morphed quickly from love and concern to anger.
"What happened? You have to tell me." He gritted out.
"You will think I'm stupid." Harry says still clutching to Niall.
"Never. Now tell me."  Harry started to mindlessly play with the buttons on Nialls shirt.
"I just, I feel like he's disgusted with me. He never touches me, and when I literally told him I wanted him to fuck me he practically ran out of here. I just feel like I messed everything up and we will never be the same." He cries silently now while Niall holds him tighter.
"I'm pretty sure he loves you more than anything. He treats you like you are the most precious gem in the entire world. But I feel like you guys need to talk. There is no reason whatsoever that you should even question his feelings and if he's making you feel that way he's an ass but you need to tell him. Lastly, you did absolutely nothing wrong that night. You messed nothing up. Now get dressed, something pretty and come down stairs Liam and I are taking you two out." Harry quickly agreed but decided on rinsing off the bits of dried blood, while he occupied himself Niall quickly went down the stairs to the kitchen where he heard voices. He angrily stomps over to Louis and slaps him hard across the face.
"What the fuck man?" He said holding the side of his face while Liam held Niall back.
"Where the fuck were you?" He shouted, which Liam did not like at all.
"Language!" He said firmly. Niall took a calming breath and apologized before turning to Louis, who realized quickly that something must have happened to his baby because Niall is only this fierce when it comes to his best friend.
"What happened?" He started to head for the stairs but Niall grabbed him and told him to talk to Harry and fix whatever mess he caused. Louis of course is so confused, he's been nothing but sweet to Harry since all of this happened. What could he have done? He gets out of Niall's hold and hurried up the steps. Taking them two at a time to get there faster he heads toward the running shower and pulls open the door. Startling Harry, he practically ripped it off the hinges. He notices the scratches instantly and cries.
"Why baby?" He doesn't even realize that he's stepping into the shower fully dressed or that his expensive shoes are now ruined, but even if he did it wouldn't change a thing. He turned Harry around so that he was facing the wall and started peppering him with soft kisses anywhere a scratch was visible. Harry was completely taken aback at this show of emotion.
"I'm sorry, I had a little melt down." Harry said in shame.
"I'm sorry." Louis said. "I thought you wanted me to take care of you, I thought that if I took the best care of you now that it would make up for me not being there when it counted. I'm sorry if it was too much but please don't go home. Stay with me." It dawned on him right away what he was basically asking him and he didn't care he's ready and he's sure Harry is too.
"Yeah, move in with me Harry? Please?" He said with a hopeful grin. Harry looked down sadly.
"First of all you have been a wonderful caretaker, so sweet and caring. Second of all it's ok that you weren't there, we can't be together every minute of every day. It was out of your control and third, no. I'm sorry but I can't move in with you."
Louis is stunned, he thought they were living their happy ever after.
"Oh. Well I'm can you at least tell me why?" Now as the tears stream down Harry's face he tries his best to explain.
"I want you back." Louis looks lost.
"I want you to touch me the way you used to and feel desire for me and my body but you can't see me past the scars can you? The rape made me gross to you?" Louis was shaking his head not believing what was coming out of his mouth.
"Baby that is not even close to the truth. I want to touch you, hold you, make love to you, fuck you and even spank you." He pauses sighing. "I can't hurt you. I'm so afraid to hurt you. I love you too much and I don't want you to have to feel fear or pain ever again." He covers his face with his hands and sighs. Harry grabs his hands and makes Louis look him in the eyes.
"You hurt me when you treat me differently, I'm afraid when you can't show affection." Harry quietly says trailing off.
"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you so much." He grabs Harry's face and kisses him with a passion he hasn't shown in a long time. Louis picked him up while Harry wrapped his legs around his waist. Despite the fact that even his own body weight was doubled because of his wet clothes, he still made it all the way to the bed like this. Harry kissed him back with all he had. He started peeling Louis clothes off so he could move more freely. Louis was getting frustrated which only made Harry giggle. When he had his shirt off he laid back down on top of Harry kissing him hard. They didn't hear the knock on the door, or the gasping when Niall and Liam walked in to witness this tangled profession of love. Niall was pleased to see that he actually knocked some sense into Louis.
"Ahem." Liam cleared his throat to get there attention which barley worked. Stunned they broke apart reluctantly and with one last peck to the lips Louis got up.
"We should get ready babe, these two came over to take us out. We can finish later." Harry whimpered, worried that this may be another excuse but Louis looked him in the eye and with all the sincerity he had in him said,"I promise." Harry nodded, looking away. He just now realized that Niall and Liam were in the room and his raging hard on was exposed. They both got the message and left the room, seeing Harry was embarrassed. Louis giggled and grabbed his hand pulling him up, only to smash their lips together again.
"I love you princess."
"Love you too daddy."

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