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Monday is excruciating. By now the cock ring is irritating his sensitive skin and he wants it off. It's hard sitting through class after class trying not to itch or adjust yourself to be more comfortable. He feels a little naughty knowing its there, like his own dirty little secret. Knowing that tonight is the night he will get it removed for being a good boy. He's also excited for other things Louis has planned. The thought of Louis and him together has got him a little tight in the pants he's lucky now it's his lunch hour so he locks his door and sits to eat he isn't gonna be disturbed today, not even by Niall. He is a little perturbed when he hears his phone ring but answers it anyway without looking.
"Hello?" He kind of asks as his sandwich is laid out in front of him.
"Hello princess, I missed you already." Harry's heart leapt in his chest at the sound of his daddies voice.
"Oh hi daddy." He whispers in the phone. "I'm at work sorry." He feels bad but they don't even know he's gay, he can't imagine what they would think of him if they knew he was a sub.
"I understand sweetie, just wondering how your holding up?"
"I'm good sir, thank you." He decided sir would be better if someone walked in.
"I'm really excited for tonight princess." Harry shivered, loving the name of course but also thrilled at the thought of what tonight would bring. They have only known each other for a few weeks but he thinks he may be ready to give himself to him already. He doesn't usually go that fast but Louis is just so caring and gentle with him that he trusts his intentions completely.
"Me too, when can I see you sir?" He asks eagerly.
" well I have a meeting at six and was thinking how nice it would be to come home to you on your hands and knees." Louis says this so seductively that it raises the little hairs on the back of Harry's neck and makes him twitch in his panties.
"O-oh yes daddy." He whispers wanting him so much right now. "Will Stella be there?" He asks nervously.
"She is going to be there yes she will have dinner ready tonight. I will have her let you in and you can go to my room and wait. How does that sound?"
"G-good sir." He stutters out.
"She will leave before I get home so don't worry about anything." Harry sighs in relief not wanting her to hear what would go on.
"So be there by six thirty my sweets? I must go now I have work to do and you have kids to teach."
"Yes, I'll be there sir. I can't wait."
"Good, bye princess."
"Bye daddy." He whispered again. He sat stunned for a while thinking of Louis words and being ready for him. He needs to stop now though and will away his impending boner. It doesn't take long for it to subside when Jenny walks in. She is a bubbly red head who has had a thing for him for a while now and comes in occasionally to try to flirt with him. He has never shown any interest other than being pleasant and friendly but she never seems to catch on. He quietly sighs in annoyance and places a fake smile on, not being thrilled that she ruined his moment.
"Hi Harry, how's your day going?" She asked in a sweet tone that has him nauseous at the sound.
"Hi Jenny, everything is very well. You?"
"I'm good. Listen Harry I'm having a few people over tonight for drinks and I was thinking maybe you could stop by?" She asked walking around the desk to invade his personal space. He laughed nervously under his breath, she has never been this forward before and he didn't like it at all.
"Sorry Jenny I have plans already so I'll have to pass." He said getting up to throw his sandwich away also avoiding her advances. She held a look of disappointment and awkwardly cleared her throat.
"Oh um ok maybe some other time then." Harry just smiled not wanting to answer that directly. And opened the door for her so she could leave and he could get ready for the rest of his day.
He did his best to keep Louis off his mind so he could concentrate but did so with minimal success.

Freshly showered and ready to go his nerves were catching up to him, he has never splayed himself out for anyone before and it's exhilarating and freeing but extremely terrifying. Every time he's with Louis he makes him feel so free and cared for. He knows he's technically his dominant but he's so gentle and perfect. He sighs happily as he glances at his phone and decides he should leave now.
After being let in by Stella and having a nice conversation with her he said his good bye and went to Louis' room. He slowly started to undress he adjusts his cock ring a bit before crawling on the bed. He's not sure how long the meeting will last so he sits and waits for a text from Louis. It's almost seven when he finally gets a text that he just left the meeting and he wants him in that position waiting. So he crawls to his knees and lays his head on the pillow and waits. It takes about ten minutes before he can hear him enter the house, he's excited already. He hears feet padding to the door and the handle slowly turn when a gasp comes from behind him, startled thinking its Stella he turns to see Louis staring at him in awe. He smiles and waits for him to speak.
"Oh princess, you are my good boy aren't you? So pretty." Louis says while loosening his tie trying to stay calm but his excitement is too much.
"Thank you daddy. Um daddy?"
"Yes princess."
"Do you. Do you say... Forget it." He says unsure of him self.
" love, you know you can ask me anything right?"
"Yes daddy but another time." He says pushing his thoughts away.
"Only if your sure baby."
"I am we will talk later and I promise you it's nothing to worry about."
"Okay, so what's your color?"
"Green!" He says breathily knowing it will start soon.
"Alright baby I'm gonna blindfold you but I want you to stay as you are."
"Yes daddy."
Louis makes quick work of blindfolding him while pressing his now naked body against Harry's, who whimpers quietly at the feeling. Louis responds with an animalistic grunt wanting so badly to take him here and now but knows he is waiting until his Harry is ready. He grabs his flogger that he brought in with him and slowly runs it down Harry's quivering body. Teasing his skin causing shivers to run down Harry's spine. Whimpering and moaning only pausing when he feels the straps leaving his skin and gasping when it slaps down in a stinging and delicious way. He continues his sensual assault on his back leaving remarkable red lines forming. Harry let out a moan when he felt Louis start to lick at his hole.
"Mm you taste so good baby." Louis said kissing and sucking at him. All Harry could do was whimper and moan. His hard length was starting to throb still locked up he knew he couldn't cum until Louis took it off, he wanted to be touched but just as he had that thought Louis stopped and instructed him to lay on his back. He felt soft kisses placed all over his skin, each touch of his lips felt like fire to his skin. He wanted nothing more than Louis in him right now but is still unsure.
Louis grabbed the flogger once again and swirled it on his tummy and chest in a teasing manner. He lifted it off and started slapping his skin. He was gripping at the sheets and writhing under him. Louis was in awe of Harry, his beauty, his pale skin with little red lines. The trust that built up with these two in only a matter of weeks is just amazing to him. Knowing Harry never really knew anything about this lifestyle and still trusts him to teach him while he's enjoying it so much sends his mind reeling. He knows for most standards it's way to early for the L word but he can't help what he feels. He won't voice these feelings just yet but they are starting to bubble in him.
He's decided it's time to take care of his baby and finish him off.
Harry thinks he may be in literal heaven at the moment, all this pleasure is almost too much.
As the sensation of the leather straps slowly leave his body so to does the blindfold. He blinks his eyes open to see his daddy staring down on him softly. The kiss they share in this moment is filled with passion and lust and a lot more than either will admit. Louis starts kissing his way down him again until he reaches his pretty pink leaking cock. He kisses it gently almost teasing. Harry jumps up feeling so sensitive at the moment and Louis just pushes him back to the bed taking control like he should. Just when Harry thinks he can't take anymore he feels Louis sliding off the cock ring and licking his shaft as he goes.
"I'm close." Harry whispers.
"Let go whenever you want baby." He is feeling so much pleasure right now, Louis hot mouth on him while he pushes a finger in his awaiting hole. Moans fill the room once again. Louis is sucking faster now rubbing his own erection against Harry's soft shaven legs.
"Oh my god daddy I'm gonna cum!" He shouts. The orgasm is intense causing him to see spots until blackness takes him over. Louis can't help but cum at this sight before him.
Harry lay covered in the cum that came from the both of them with his little red lines scattered about. His sweaty curls stuck to his face. If he looks this good just from that he can't even imagine how it will be to fuck him. He can't wait.
He gets up on shaky knees, no one he's ever been with has ever effected him so much he thinks on his way to the bathroom to grab a wash cloth. After washing Harry and himself and making sure the house is locked up he crawls into bed pulling his baby close. He sets an alarm to wake them early enough for Harry to get cleaned up before work and he falls asleep holding his princess.

Sorry for the delay, very busy!
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