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The carnival was so much fun Harry almost forgot about the fucking he was going to get when he got home, except for the reminders Louis would give him. Standing in line at the Farris wheel, whispering and kissing his neck. Every ride they sat on Louis was touching him in some inconspicuous way. When they got to the restaurant they immediately excused themselves to the restroom while Niall and Liam rolled their eyes fondly at each other.
They both understood the situation but had no plans to cut this short.

Louis quickly pushed Harry against the door and locked it. It didn't take long for things to get heated, the fact that they were in a public restroom didn't faze either of them.
If anyone would have been watching they would have got a great show, Harry's eyes closed, head back with Louis fingers in his mouth. Louis lips caressed his neck while harry was wetting him down. A few more sloppy kisses later and Louis is on his knees roughly sliding down Harry's panties. With only his hands and his eyes he instructs Harry to spread his legs more. Louis can't wait to get him home, all the things he wants to do to him are pent up inside him as he's been fighting his urges for too long now.

 Louis can't wait to get him home, all the things he wants to do to him are pent up inside him as he's been fighting his urges for too long now

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Louis pulls Harry's cock into his mouth, fingers circling his rim before plunging into him.
"Ahh, oh fuck daddy daddy. Oh god daddy. Mmmmm." Harry started losing control of his words and Louis didn't mind a bit.
It wasn't long before Harry spilled down Louis throat. Panting, Louis looked into Harry's eyes from the floor.
"I love you princess and I'm so sorry." Louis hugged around his legs as If begging for forgiveness.
"I could never be disgusted with you or not want to touch you." Louis looked down in shame.
"I didn't think you would want me to, I thought you would be scared or too hurt and I just wanted to take care of you." He was crying so hard he was shaking now so Harry slid to the floor to embrace him.
"I'm scared that I will hurt you, and when you hurt I do too." Harry shushed him and rubbed his shoulders not really wanting to interrupt him, he needs to get it out too.
"I mean it Harry I physically hurt when I saw you in that hospital bed, day after day and I- I wanted to kill that fucker for putting you there but at the same time I couldn't leave your side." His tears reduced to sniffles as Harry continued to hold him.
"Lou- daddy." He corrected. "I trust you with everything in me and I know you would never hurt me. I love you so much and knowing how you took care of me and never left me makes me love you that much more." They held each other for a few more moments, Louis calming down. Harry was relieved, this was hurdle to get over and they did. He's lost in his thoughts until Louis shoulders start shaking violently again. Harry grabbed his face and was about to ask what's wrong when Louis laughter echoed through the whole bathroom and of course it was contagious even though Harry wasn't so sure what was so funny.
"We are having a heart to heart in the fucking bathroom!" Louis said between laughs. Harry then laughed harder realizing what was so funny. After they calmed down again Harry stood and helped Louis up too.
"We should really get back out there." Harry said.
"Yeah we should, I'm sure they understand but we better not be rude." Harry smiled and hugged Louis one more time before they walked out hand in hand.
When they got to the table Liam had a knowing look on his face to which Harry blushed and Niall cackled.
"You didn't really think I could wait till tonight to get my fingers wet and a little taste of my princess did you?" Louis said with nothing but calm on his face. Harry was very red and the other two were cackling again.
They stayed for a while eating and just being with friends before heading home to finish what they started.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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